Failing Custom ROM Build eOS: You are building on a machine with 15.4GB of RAM

It might be worthwhile to add privileged to your docker run

sudo docker run --privileged

by allowing docker to use the host file system, issues with

Build sandboxing disabled due to nsjail error.

during build disappeared for me.

sudo docker run --rm --privileged

The --rm is just for cleaning up, will not hurt and just removes the container you just spun up.

[quote="maximebellis, post:4, topic:55806"] HOST_CROSS_OS=windows [/quote]

This must be backed into the docker image, I see this, too

[quote="maximebellis, post:6, topic:55806"] ``` :18:52 dumpvars failed with: exit status 1 File "/usr/local/bin/repo", line 51 def print(self, *args, **kwargs): ^ SyntaxError: invalid syntax ``` [/quote] I was getting the above errors starting build with the late Oktober/November version of the /e docker image.

Tried fixing a ton of things and I even reformatted the ssd and installed new.

[quote="maximebellis, post:4, topic:55806"] `08:49:03 You are building on a machine with 15.4GB of RAM` [/quote]

16Gb RAM and just a single 500Gb SSD; minimal Ubuntu 22.04 Server and Docker from snaps

Did work for me on my first ever build:

I might spin up my workstation on the weekend and run your device in docker just see.