Feedback for v2.0

Don’t panic !
Same here but this is a staggered release so the update will appear in time.

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Vendor Name: LG
Device name: G5 (International)
Device CodeName: h850
Version of /e/OS which existed previously: e-1.7-Q-20230112251029-dev-h850
Version of Recovery which existed previously: recovery-e-1.7-Q-20230112251029-dev-h850
The device is Not rooted

Manual upgrade form /e/OS-Q ~ T’ without data loss.
The new BlissLouncher v3.0.1-beta with new wallpaper is integrated.

Vendor Name: LG
Device name: G3 (International)
Device CodeName: d855
Version of /e/OS which existed previously: e-1.21-r-20240323388943-dev-d855
Version of Recovery which existed previously: recovery-e-1.21-r-20240323388943-dev-d855
The device is Not rooted

BlissLouncher v1.18.0

Triggered the update from System settings, the phone rebooted, and now it only boots into Fastboot. System is unusable.

Vendor Name: Xiaomi
Device name: Redmi Note 8T
Device CodeName: ginkgo/willow
Version of /e/OS or Stock which existed previously: 1.21
Is the device Rooted: no

EDIT: I was able to restore the system to the previous version by dirty flashing the 1.21 recovery, then wiping cache, finally flashing 1.21 from recovery, and then resetting network settings once booted into the system to make WiFi work again. At least the phone is usable again, but this was a one hour command line enterprise and far from something a non-technical user would be able to solve, and I’m still on the old version.

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OK for my Pixel5 (purchased in /e/-shop) not rooted.
It was upgraded with 2.0-t stable release (updated from 1.21.1 to 2.0 (1.20-t-20240506399547-stable-redfin) with e_redfin-user 13 TQ3A.230901.001 eng.root.20240506.184053).

To be noted : upgrade to e-2.0-t-stable locked at “reboot preparation” at 50% during 40mn for a total time about 1h30.
Also, 2 reboots were needed before internet access can work correctly (wifi or data). Some applications could access it while others (Firefox) could not. Few pbms with GPS and apps that need to use the Advanced Privacy (IP and position) buttons from not used to used.

The camera pbm (described here or there ) is still here : when I take a picture with lens1 the final picture is blurry when I’m not in “auto” mode.

A pbm more : the bliss weather does not work. It remains unconfigured with no wifi nor data access.

In fact, to configure Bliss Weather we need to use manual update instead of 15mn default between updates.

Vendor Name: Goodle
Device name: Pixel 4a
Device CodeName: sunfish
Version of /e/OS or Stock which existed previously: v1.2-t-dev
Is the device Rooted: no

No issues so far. Looking forward for the actual release notes, I don’t see alot of changes but surley for people using Bliss Launcher it will be great.

Vendor Name: Murena
Device name: FP5
Device CodeName: FP5
Version of /e/OS or Stock which existed previously:
e/OS 1.21 stable
The device is not rooted

Installation went well,
no problems after 5 Minutes of use.

Great thanks to the dev und the hole team.

Vendor Name - Xiaomi
Device name - Mi 10T Lite 5G
Device CodeName - gauguin
Version eOS which existed previously - e-1.21-t
Not Rooted

Updating without problems.
Camera: freezes when recording video (Aperture works).
Trebuchet (version 13 launcher3): i can install but it doesn’t work (NeoLauncher works)
Important: eDrive works (syncro) again.

Vendor Name: Murena
Device name: Teracube 2E
Device CodeName: Emerald
Version of /e/OS previously: 1.21.1 stable
The device is: Not rooted

Update went smooth and fine. Everything seems to work. Nice icons, interface snappy, no drain.
Improvement in this update: battery use details are working (first time on my device).
Thanks to the dev team!

Vendor Name: Fairphone
Device name: FP3
Device CodeName: FP3
Version of /e/OS previously: 1.21 t stable
The device is: Not rooted

Updated to /e/OS 2.0-t
All seems to be working well

Now waiting for an update to my FP4 (s)

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  • Vendor Name : Xiaomi
  • Device name : Poco X3 Pro
  • Device CodeName : vayu
  • Version of /e/OS or Stock which existed previously
  • Not rooted

Have some “big” issues, I cannot use at all the gesture navigation (only back option is working) trying to switch to 3 buttons one, and only the back and home buttons work… I cannot access at all the recent apps menu :sob:
If you have noticed the issue and planed to resolve it, please let me know!
Have a nice day!

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On my S5e I found this, also on S10e.

  • Vendor Name: Samsung
  • Device name: S10e
  • Code name: beyond0lte
  • Version of /e/OS which existed previously: 1.21-t
  • Not rooted

No issues so far. It seems that GPS is much quicker showing the current position than before.
Thanks for good work to the team!

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Vendor Name: Fairphone
Device name: FP3+
Device CodeName: FP3+
Version of /e/OS previously: 1.21 t stable
The device is: Not rooted

Updated to 2.0 without any issue.

The slowness reported under 1.21 seems gone, and that feels so good. Thanks.
I’ll see over the next few days about the battery life (battery was draining faster than usual).

So far I like the new Bliss, well done. The only thing is about folders: they stayed as they were before, but visually the full transparent background when folded is not the best I think. But maybe that’s a wider design choice. I don’t mind much anyway.

Thanks for all! :grinning:

EDIT: just noticed, I’m on 2 button-navigation and the overview of apps does not seem to work (swipe up and hold). It goes back always to the home screen. Seems to work normally on gesture navigation.


Can confirme this.
Thanks to the Team

Vendor Name: Fairphone
Device name: FP3+
Device CodeName: FP3+
Version of /e/OS previously: 1.21 t stable
The device is: Not rooted

Hi all,

My phone is working well.

I just got all my app icon gone from home screen (maybe because I had before 4x5 and it installed 4x6). And I don’t find any way for creating again the icons. Swape up and hold doesn’t work and I don’t know any other mean to restore them.

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I second that. No problems with update on S10e.

For me the navigation is not working in gesture and 2 (or 3) buttons mode… :sob::sob: cannot see the overview and go back home with gestures

Vendor: Fairphone
Device: Fairphone 3+
Device codename: FP3+
Previous version: 1.21
Device is not rooted

Everthing works fine.
I have the same issue like some others. Check for new updates says " no internet connection - try later"
Also version-info inside the updates says “page not found” (
Emails, Nextcloud, messenger, Fdroid and all my other apps include firefox works fine with Internet!

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Vendor: Fairphone
Device: Fairphone 3+
Device codename: FP3+
Previous version: 1.21
Device is not rooted

When I Come back to home screen in gesture mode, there is a small lag.

Also when I browse a page (exemple, this forum) with Firefox, when I scroll down the pages, it doesn’t flow smoothly, it jerks.

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