Feedback for v2.2

Google Pixel 5 Redfin

KO for my Pixel5 (purchased in /e/-shop) not rooted.
It was upgraded with 2.2-t stable release (updated from 2.1 to 2.2 (2.1-t-20240715417772-stable-redfin) with e_redfin-user 13 TQ3A.230901.001 eng.root.20240715.203953).

To be noted : upgrade to e-2.1-t-stable locked at “reboot preparation” at 50% during 40mn for a total time about 1h30.
Also, 2 reboots were needed before internet access can work correctly (wifi or data).
Here, the upgrade from 2.1 to 2.2 took only 45 mn with 1 reboot.

The camera issue blur (described here or there ) is still here : when I take a picture with lens1 the final picture is blurry when I’m in “manual” mode.

also the Seek ( & iNaturalist) app cannot find any position (Wifi and/or Data on).