How much of the /e/ ROM is degoogled? Webview, A-GPS, DNS, captive portal

We keep trying, right now I possibly will have to do a cleaninstall again because I broke the system (again and again and again), this time using yalp and busybox to remove some stuff from the system, now I can’t get in anymore. The promised possibility in /e/ to remove unwanted system apps is reasonably urgent for me.

And flashing on the empty screen, impossible to take it on a screenshot: “Blisslauncher has crashed”.

This is one feature I am also looking forward to. Would be happy with just 10 ( at most) apps and that too if really needed.
The process of making this happen is actually complicated. Requires changes at the code level as some of the system apps functionality is inter related. It is definitely on the /e/ dev team road map as you can see here only do not have an ETA.

Yes it is complicated, I can imagine that after my experiences trying te remove a few default apps, the second time I crashed Blisslaunhcer.