How to avoid frustration when moving app icons between screens?

Novice user here. (Fairphone 3)
I tap long on an app icon. All icons start dancing. I hold and move that icon to the right edge of the home screen. The screen slides to the next screen but before I have time to release or move the icon more to the center, the screen slides further to a next (third) screen. So my icon is on the third screen. Trying to move it back, the same thing happens as the middle screen is skipped and I end up at the home screen where I started. Frustrating…
I even got the settings icon to disappear! (I could only see reappearing while ling tapping another icon - dancing icons - and then move the settings icon to some other place on the screen …).

Is there are more easy way to move icons from one screen to the next?


Same here.
My only solution so far: Patience

You also can try another launcher from f-droid
(i still use bliss)

And I use Lawnchair 2

+1. I find it also a bit anyoing moving icons across launcher screens. IMO, there is room for improvement for this functionality. Could more smooth, less aggressive flipping screens.

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Supposedly coming soon …

… perhaps there’s still hope.

(I’m currently using Lawnchair 12.1.0 Alpha 4, and I like to have only 1 home screen page anyway.)

Some thoughts on the idea of an alternative launcher.

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I find it easier, using scrcpy.

Thanks. I’ve used scrcpy before. I didn’t think of that as a solution.

Thanks for all the suggestions. I didn’t even know there was something like a launcher :upside_down_face:. I’ll try some of them.