[HOWTO] Build /e/ without docker

To build /e/ without docker you can use this shell script. Copy the script below (up to #end script) and save as builde.sh on your linux computer. Modify DEVICE_LIST and BRANCH_NAME to fit your needs. The script will install everything you need to build /e/. If you leave it as-is it will build oreo for leeco s2.
[modified 10 04 2019 18:20 fixed delta problem thx @harvey186 for reporting]
[modified 06 05 2019 20:16 QKSMS → Message]
[modified 15 05 2019 12:24 Added App store!]
[modified 15 05 2019 15:07 Synced CUSTOM_PACKAGES with wiki]
[modified 02-06 2019 08:25 Ready for PIE build (experimental, /e/ is not 100% PIE ready yet, use at own risk!)]

# Install build dependencies
apt -qq update
apt -qqy upgrade
apt install -y imagemagick libwxgtk3.0-dev openjdk-8-jdk
apt install -y openjdk-7-jdk
apt install -y bc bison build-essential ccache curl flex g++-multilib gcc-multilib git gnupg gperf imagemagick lib32ncurses5-dev lib32readline-dev lib32z1-dev liblz4-tool libncurses5-dev libsdl1.2-dev libssl-dev libwxgtk3.0-dev libxml2 libxml2-utils lzop pngcrush rsync schedtool squashfs-tools xsltproc zip zlib1g-dev python git

#install google repo
mkdir ~/bin 2>/dev/null
curl https://storage.googleapis.com/git-repo-downloads/repo > ~/bin/repo
chmod a+x ~/bin/repo

# Environment variables

export MIRROR_DIR=/srv/mirror
export SRC_DIR=/srv/src
export TMP_DIR=/srv/tmp
export CCACHE_DIR=/srv/ccache
export ZIP_DIR=/srv/zips
export LMANIFEST_DIR=/srv/local_manifests
export DELTA_DIR=/srv/delta
export KEYS_DIR=/srv/keys
export LOGS_DIR=/srv/logs
export USERSCRIPTS_DIR=/srv/userscripts

export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
export USER=root

# Configurable environment variables

# By default we want to use CCACHE, you can disable this
# WARNING: disabling this may slow down a lot your builds!
export USE_CCACHE=1

# ccache maximum size. It should be a number followed by an optional suffix: k,
# M, G, T (decimal), Ki, Mi, Gi or Ti (binary). The default suffix is G. Use 0
# for no limit.
export CCACHE_SIZE=50G

# Environment for the LineageOS branches name
# See https://github.com/LineageOS/android_vendor_cm/branches for possible options
export BRANCH_NAME='v1-oreo'

# Environment for the device list (separate by comma if more than one)
# eg. DEVICE_LIST=hammerhead,bullhead,angler
export DEVICE_LIST='s2'

# Release type string

# Repo use for build
export REPO='https://gitlab.e.foundation/e/os/android.git'

# Repo use for build
export MIRROR=''

# OTA URL that will be used inside CMUpdater
# Use this in combination with LineageOTA to make sure your device can auto-update itself from this buildbot
export OTA_URL=''

# User identity
export USER_NAME='user'
export USER_MAIL='user@email.edu'

# Include proprietary files, downloaded automatically from github.com/TheMuppets/
# Only some branches are supported

# Mount an overlay filesystem over the source dir to do each build on a clean source
export BUILD_OVERLAY=false

# Clone the full LineageOS mirror (> 200 GB)
export LOCAL_MIRROR=false

# If you want to preserve old ZIPs set this to 'false'
export CLEAN_OUTDIR=false

# Change this cron rule to what fits best for you
# Use 'now' to start the build immediately
# For example, '0 10 * * *' means 'Every day at 10:00 UTC'
export CRONTAB_TIME='now'

# Clean artifacts output after each build

# Provide root capabilities builtin inside the ROM (see http://lineageos.org/Update-and-Build-Prep/)
export WITH_SU=false

# Provide a default JACK configuration in order to avoid out-of-memory issues
export ANDROID_JACK_VM_ARGS="-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -XX:+TieredCompilation -Xmx4G"

# Custom packages to be installed
export CUSTOM_PACKAGES='MuPDF GmsCore GsfProxy FakeStore com.google.android.maps.jar Telegram Signal Mail BlissLauncher BlissIconPack MozillaNlpBackend OpenWeatherMapWeatherProvider AccountManager MagicEarth OpenCamera eDrive Weather Notes Tasks NominatimNlpBackend Light DroidGuard OpenKeychain Message Browser BrowserWebView Apps LibreOfficeViewer'

# Sign the builds with the keys in $KEYS_DIR
export SIGN_BUILDS=false

# When SIGN_BUILDS = true but no keys have been provided, generate a new set with this subject
export KEYS_SUBJECT='/C=US/ST=California/L=Mountain View/O=Android/OU=Android/CN=Android/emailAddress=android@android.com'

# Move the resulting zips to $ZIP_DIR/$codename instead of $ZIP_DIR/
export ZIP_SUBDIR=true

# Write the verbose logs to $LOGS_DIR/$codename instead of $LOGS_DIR/
export LOGS_SUBDIR=true

# Apply the MicroG's signature spoofing patch
# Valid values are "no", "yes" (for the original MicroG's patch) and
# "restricted" (to grant the permission only to the system privileged apps).
# The original ("yes") patch allows user apps to gain the ability to spoof
# themselves as other apps, which can be a major security threat. Using the
# restricted patch and embedding the apps that requires it as system privileged
# apps is a much secure option. See the README.md ("Custom mode") for an
# example.
export SIGNATURE_SPOOFING="restricted"

# Generate delta files
export BUILD_DELTA=false

# Delete old zips in $ZIP_DIR, keep only the N latest one (0 to disable)

# Delete old deltas in $DELTA_DIR, keep only the N latest one (0 to disable)

# Delete old logs in $LOGS_DIR, keep only the N latest one (0 to disable)

# Create a JSON file that indexes the build zips at the end of the build process
# (for the updates in OpenDelta). The file will be created in $ZIP_DIR with the
# specified name; leave empty to skip it.
# Requires ZIP_SUBDIR.

# You can optionally specify a USERSCRIPTS_DIR volume containing these scripts:
#  * begin.sh, run at the very beginning
#  * before.sh, run after the syncing and patching, before starting the builds
#  * pre-build.sh, run before the build of every device
#  * post-build.sh, run after the build of every device
#  * end.sh, run at the very end
# Each script will be run in $SRC_DIR and must be owned and writeable only by
# root

# Create Volume entry points
# VOLUME /root/.ssh

# Create missing directories
mkdir -p $MIRROR_DIR
mkdir -p $SRC_DIR
mkdir -p $TMP_DIR
mkdir -p $CCACHE_DIR
mkdir -p $ZIP_DIR
mkdir -p $DELTA_DIR
mkdir -p $KEYS_DIR
mkdir -p $LOGS_DIR

# Copy build files to  /root/
rm -rf $TMP_DIR/buildscripts
if [[ $BRANCH_NAME =~ pie$ ]]; then
   git clone --branch dev https://gitlab.e.foundation/e/os/docker-lineage-cicd.git $TMP_DIR/buildscripts
   git clone https://gitlab.e.foundation/e/os/docker-lineage-cicd.git $TMP_DIR/buildscripts

cp -rf $TMP_DIR/buildscripts/src/* /root/
cp $TMP_DIR/buildscripts/apt_preferences /etc/apt/preferences

# Download and build delta tools
cd /root/ && \
        mkdir delta && \
        echo "cloning"
        git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/omnirom/android_packages_apps_OpenDelta.git OpenDelta && \
        gcc -o delta/zipadjust OpenDelta/jni/zipadjust.c OpenDelta/jni/zipadjust_run.c -lz && \
        cp OpenDelta/server/minsignapk.jar OpenDelta/server/opendelta.sh delta/ && \
        chmod +x delta/opendelta.sh && \
        rm -rf OpenDelta/ && \
        sed -i -e "s|^\s*HOME=.*|HOME=/root|; \
                   s|^\s*BIN_XDELTA=.*|BIN_XDELTA=xdelta3|; \
                   s|^\s*FILE_MATCH=.*|FILE_MATCH=lineage-\*.zip|; \
                   s|^\s*PATH_CURRENT=.*|PATH_CURRENT=$SRC_DIR/out/target/product/$DEVICE|; \
                   s|^\s*PATH_LAST=.*|PATH_LAST=$SRC_DIR/delta_last/$DEVICE|; \
                   s|^\s*KEY_X509=.*|KEY_X509=$KEYS_DIR/releasekey.x509.pem|; \
                   s|^\s*KEY_PK8=.*|KEY_PK8=$KEYS_DIR/releasekey.pk8|; \
                   s|publish|$DELTA_DIR|g" /root/delta/opendelta.sh

# Set the work directory

# Allow redirection of stdout to docker logs
ln -sf /proc/1/fd/1 /var/log/docker.log

# Set the entry point to init.sh
#end script

On your linux machine open a terminal window.
Commands you have to type in the terminal window.
If not already there make the directory /srv: sudo mkdir /srv
Put the script above in the /srv dir.
Cd into the /srv dir you just created: cd /srv
Make the script executable: sudo chmod 755 builde.sh
Run the script: sudo ./builde.sh

This script does exact the same thing as the docker build method(without docker of course). The buildscripts are downloaded from this gitlab repo. These files are stored in /root/ on your linux computer.
So for those of you that want to modify the build method for customising purposes, check /root/init.sh and /root/build.sh files. (comment out the complete “Copy build files to /root/” section if you do)

When everything went well, the srv should contain al these folders:

Look into zips directory for your ROM. In case of error, check the logs directory.

Note: I tested this on Ubuntu 18.04 and @harvey186 on linux Mint but it may work on other distro’s.


Thanks @andrelam for this excellent post. Thanks @harvey186 for testing and validating it.
Appreciate the efforts put in…Docker can be a pain at times :frowning: this post goes a long way in easing the pains of those of us who want to try our hand at building a custom ROM without the Docker part.

1 Like

I continue the script on GitHub so i can maintain it better.

git clone https://github.com/picomatic/builde .

This version has a new feature, you can skip repo sync by adding the --nosync parameter. Only do this if you want modify things in the repo and debug. Normal builds don’t need this

example: ./builde.sh --nosync


Hello, I tried to build the /e/ ROM thanks to the builde.sh script (./builde.sh --nosync) in a Lubuntu 18.04 but unfortunately I have the follwing error:

Could you please help me fix this issue ?

Thanks in advance.

why using the nosync option ??

try it with only ./builde.sh

you have in your other post where you have tried with docker, an error which seem it has the same cause.
You TheMuppets repository it the sources you need are still available

I tried without the --nosync option but in that case, I have to provide the username and password of a github account.

If my problem is linked to the TheMuppets repository, what is the solution ?

Search for vendor sources for you device, fork them and go the way described here [HOWTO] Build /e/ without docker for non LineageOS supported devices

Thanks for your help. I tried to understand the error and it turns out that the problem linked to the authentification on Github was because of the proprietary_vendor_xiaomi repository on TheMuppets. It is no longer available.


404 not found
20 characters: This is not the page you were looking for?

If someone need, I have a version available

I have forked from : https://github.com/gaganmalvi/builde
Works fine so far :slight_smile:

Updated the script according to latest /e/ wiki changes : https://github.com/BallonLac/builde

Closing this thread on the request of the @andrelam who started this.