I am trying to install from my computer with windows on my fairphone 3.
I am having problems with downloading the files. It downloads up to 100% and then the “try again” button appears and the green bar moves from side to side. no matter how long i wait or if i retry, nothing happens…
Dear all, I also had the same issue as Jannaris, trying to flash my OnePlus 7 pro phone.
There are actually two different issues:
The first is a trivial one, with the graphical user interface: there is no good feedback when the checksum mismatches and the file has to be downloaded again. You just get a bouncing status bar with a “Try again” button and nothing else that indicates that something went wrong.
The second one that affected me, causes also the issue reported by Jannaris, I suspect.
What happens is that the /e/OS file and the /e/OS file’s checksum file that get downloaded are not the right ones.
Seems that this happens not due to easy-installer but due to outdated symbolic links on the repository.
For example, I run easy-installer today, and it downloaded these two URLs: https://images.ecloud.global/dev/guacamole/e-latest-s-guacamole.zip
and https://images.ecloud.global/dev/guacamole/e-latest-s-guacamole.zip.sha256sum
comparing the content of the downloaded files with the ones on the repository, seems that they point respectively to:
and to
So, the image zip file that gets downloaded seems the right one, but the .zip.sha256sum file that gets downloaded is an old one.
This could happen due to an outdated link e-latest-s-guacamole.zip.sha256sum on the server.
I did put in a bug report in 5 month ago, mainly for galaxy S7, but also for other supported phones.
One thing I find pretty bad, is you keep downloading, downloading… on a single day I burned 25gb of 40gb/per month plan, becausemy phone needs to serve as a hotspot…