Hello @jpirie,
Rebooting and bright white LED is a known issue in recent builds, the last stable version being, as you mentioned, 0.7-n-2020021541379-dev-zeroltexx. If it is of interest to you, you can follow the issue on GitLab.
If you’re content with this version, stay on it for now and the issue will probably be fixed in the future.
There’s an unofficial updated Oreo build(2020/09/26) by @itsclarence, which I tested and reviewed. Although I consider it a clear improvement compared to Nougat, do keep in mind that it is far from perfect and cannot be encrypted. I use it daily and am satisfied with it.
Finally, there’s also, a LineageOS 17.1 unofficial build for this device, but I wouldn’t advise it since /e/ is much better when it comes to privacy.