LG - V20 (Global) - h990 - Documentation Suggestions

Hi Manoj,

Here are some modification I propose for this doc. Hopes it helps :wink:

There is a mistake in this LG v20 installation documentation (same in the upgrade doc)

At chapter “Booting a custom recovery using fastboot” under step 3:
This block :

You can also boot into fastboot mode via a key combination:

  • With the device powered off
  • hold Volume Up + Power.

Should be replaced with:

You can also boot into fastboot mode via a key combination:

  • With the device powered off
  • Prepare a USB-C cable, plug it only to the PC
  • hold Volume Down + Plug the other extremity of the cable to the smartphone

Ref: https://www.hardreset.info/devices/lg/lg-v20/fastboot-mode/

Another info you can under chapter “Booting a custom recovery using fastboot” is that :

Finally under chapter “Requirements” add this warning:

  • After unlocking the bootloader when TWRP installed, performing a full NANDroid backup is hightly recommended (partitions /boot + /system + /data + /system-image + /efs)