LG V30 (joan) - Still supported?

I see there is no release of s20 (T) for LG V30 (joan). It has stopped at s19.
Usually the update comes between 10-20th of each month and no update waa releaaed in February
Has the support for joan stopped?

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Tahnk you. From the link you sent, I see that the update to s20 was to be completed by yesterday 4 March. However, joan (LG V30) has not been updated, it is still at s19. Is there any further delay as I don’t see anything mentioned in the Week 10 Update. joan only started to be supported last year from version s15, so only 5 versions (s15 ->s19), so I think maybe it would be very quick to drop support ?

This is at the bottom of the release notes :

Note: Due to a build system issue, the following devices will not receive a v1.20-t update. Sorry for the inconvenience, and see you on the v1.21!

  • Google Pixel XL (marlin)
  • Motorola Moto G7 Play (channel)
  • Google Pixel (sailfish)
  • LG V30 (joan & h932)


Oh ok. Thanks for the heads up!

Thx for the Info.
Mal unabhängig davon ob s20 oder s21 überhaupt noch für h930 erscheinen wird,
gibt es noch einen funktionieren Link zum Download von s19 für h930 ?

kann jemand die letzte Version e-1.19 s für H930 als Download anbieten oder bereitstellen?
(anybody has e-1.19 s for h930 to download? )
Danke und thx.

Meinst Du evtl. h932, wie weiter oben angegeben?
Das wäre: https://images.ecloud.global/dev/h932/
h930 finde ich nur im Bereich [UNOFFICIAL BUILD]

There is also an information in the ticket to joan:

According to @merothh this needs to be fixed from Lineage OS side.


This patch is only for A14. So we may need to remove joan and h932 from T till we start working on U.

danke für die Rückmeldung, das unofficial habe ich gesehen.

Ich meinte die Version e-1.19 t für H930 (V30 Joan), das bereits offiziell unterstützt wurde
(device support e-1.15t bis e-1.19t)
aber wohl wegen eines Fehlers in e-1.20t komplett gelöscht,
statt nur das fehlerhafte Update raus zu nehmen.

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