My wish list for /e/

How about turning WiFi-Scanning off by default?
I’m not certain if this is even a privacy concern on /e/ (while it is on googled phone).

And pull from middle of display to access quick settings instead of from top would be nice.

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Hi Klaas, your provided link is broken ?!?

Oh sorry should have read the date …

This sounds like normal App usage (moving a map, scrolling in browsers or messengers).
How would the OS know that a user wants to have the quick settings instead and not interact with the App they are using?

The name has changed to Open Android Backup:
(Important to know when you restore the backup, a zip-file, the path to the file has to be without apostrophes. I made the ‘mistake’ to drag and drop the file to the terminal, and then you get ‘’). Open Android Backup backs up pretty much everything, but not e-mails. With root privileges it could take the e-mail data too, in theory.
If you want full access to your droid, you’d have to root it with Magisk and take a backup solution like Neo Backup.

I mean on home screen only (similarly to Trebuchet does).

Ah, I see.
In case the new Bliss launcher version coming up doesn’t offer this, it looks like Trebuchet will be installable from /e/OS 2.0 on … Week 16 2024: Development and Testing Updates - #11 by Manoj

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That would be nice.
I was thinking that installing Trebuchet itself (which is already well known by many users) might be easier, because there is too many launchers out there that we can hardly know which one works better until we try each of them.

I dream of having only one secure, as can be device for my phone and desktop needs.
I would like a desktop environment to be made like Samsung DEX. DEX can’t do everything but it accomplishes 90% of my needs.

Secondly a faux android play for the car.