Notes note gone, replaced by an error message

here is the content of one of my most important notes:
Erreur: OCP\Encryption\Exceptions\GenericEncryptionException

How could I retrieve it? Maybe from an backup of our NextCloud storage. I hope it’s not just a miror and we will find a way to get a previous version of this note.

Form the web through a browser, I can just read a xml code content without any history.

Looks there are less options in the current menu than in 2023: Notes note gone due to NextCloud error
Thank you for your attention

you could ask the helpdesk if they can restore individual note entries (files in “Notes/” at their end), though I’d imagine it’s a manual process for them. What do you see in your Notes/ folder btw? it’s what the Notes webapp looks at.

You can also retrieve the Notes app sqlite db if you can extract anything (Method 1 and 2). But if the changes back-propagated already there’s less chance. Notes app doesn’t keep in-db history really, it just isn’t robust.

I wonder how to reproduce Notes GenericEncryptionException. The user in your linked forum thread said it happened overnight. Here’s another user giving a bit of background.

Thank you very much,
I will try to ask helpdesk if by chance I find an email I get replied to several months ago.

Through the browser, the Notes directory is full of my notes. They all look fine except the one which motivated this topic.

From my GNU/Linux I do not manage to adb connect, while from my phone all USB connexion are all granted (live translate my french user interface)

Android Debug Bridge version 1.0.41
Version 34.0.0-android-tools

How to reproduce this error ? Maybe fill a very very very long note along a year.