Parental Controls : suggestions and feedback

Parental controls is hugely important, the #1 feature for me, since it will allow me to give E phones to my kids, once Parental Controls is hardened.

Main gap now that I see is that app ratings are inconsistent in app stores, ie its possible to install Aurora Store from F-droid (via Murena App lounge), Tor clients that subvert DNS filtering, or apps in Google Play that purposely have “everyone” rating but are meant to hide things from parents, like famous fake “calculator” app which is a hidden browser and photo/video storage app. App store ratings cannot be relied upon.

E OS may catch some of these holes, but to really secure the phone we should block ability to install any app without specifying parental code.

A better solution yet, which would also cater to digital minimalists would be to add ability to hide apps. In parental control section, after entering parent contr code, one would be able to hide App Lounge and any other app that a person deems risky or distracting. Other custom phone OS companies are hiding useless apps to enable focus, there’s a big demand for it: light phone, wisephone, sunbeam phone, balance phone etc

This feature would ensure apps with wrong ratings don’t slip in, also it would make Murena phones 100x as productive for people and give E OS a huge edge / differentiation from ios and android, since people could finally turn off the endless streams of distractions, and make Murena / E OS a positive force / productive tool in their lives, and not a source of distractions / waste of time that nearly all phones are. Also, no more folders with countless unused apps like ios and android, just a clean set of whats needed. Good luck!