Problem with Microsoft Authenticator-App?

For my work i need the Authenticator-App. But it does not work. The App tells me, that there is a Fault by registration of the pushnotificationservice ??
do somebody know something about that?

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Hi, I had the same issue you just can’t use pushnotification. But you can use code generation. On your microsoft account you desactivate the 2FA then add a new connection or verification mode and choose “enter a code from an authentication app”. You will then use you microsoft authenticator as a generic authenticator. (^_^) Hope it’ll help.

The problem is, to login into the microsoft account, i need the Authenticator-App. otherwise i can’t deactivate anything.

Oh, I can’t help further. I logged via a computer on win10 allready conect to my microsoft account. It only asked me for my computer loggin code. But depending on wich security options you have activate on you account they can also send you a code via sms or e-mail.

You are right.
And i dont know the security guidelines of that yet. i asked, i will see.

I have Microsoft Authenticator registered as notification app, but I never get one in past 6 months.
I re-installed the app, not better (although it is listed in notification-enabled apps).

So for now I stick on typing the generated code, but currently switching to Aegis …

I had the same in the past. The issue for me was that Google Cloud Messaging (find in MicroG settings) was disconnected. You can connect GCM by dialing the following code in the dialer: *#*#2432546#*#*.

Hello pinibo,

do i need a Goolag-Account for this? becouse without one, it doesn’t work by me.

No Goolag needed. Is your Google Cloud Messaging service running (connected) or dis-connected?

Edit: you can find more details on this here: GCM not working

Unfortunately, it didn’t help me :frowning:
Other app notification are working fine (35) so I think it’s a Authenticator app problem …

Tip : you may validate with “Push Notification Tester” from F-Droid

Hope you’ll have more luck :slight_smile:

@smu44: I do not find the “Push Notification Tester”- App in the F-Droid-Store. Do i need a new repo for it?

Apologies, my bad : it’s in Google Play store, so you can install it from Aurora store app.
App name is com.firstrowria.pushnotificationtester , Github project page :

Hello @smu44 smu44,

i tested the app today. now it says by step1 that to “Register for Push Notification” is not possible.
do you have an idea what to do know?

i have got microG Version installed.


I’ll review this page and try the dial code.
I also found that, sometime, it helps activating the registration notification using 3-dot menu of notification settings within Microg (sorry short spare time here, if you need help with that I’ll could provide you with a screenshot later).

I have this problem too: I need Microsoft Authenticator for MFA.

I’m new to /e/. I’m not sure how to enable the push notifications. I have read all the replies, but somehow I need a dumbed-down version of what to do to enable it.

The most important part from is :

If your device is having trouble registering with Firebase Cloud Messaging, you may need to open the system phone app and dial *#*#2432546#*#* (or *#*#CHECKIN#*#*) to manually register the device as described here.

Let’s start with this one, if notifications persist in not working we could try something else.

BTW, I switched to Aegis for my MFA (including Microsoft).