Repetitive blocked access to /storage/emulated/0 until restart

Hi, I’m using /e/ 1.12.3 on SM-G900F (Samsung S5), but the problem was present on previous versions too. After a day (or so) of using the phone, I cannot access internal phone storage with files (or any other file manager). I can see SD card content though. I have access granted in settings. All apps are working, only I don’t see the “root” content. What can that be? Thank you.

I have it localized, I’d translate error as “Cannot read the content now”

This is with antoher program:

After restart it works:

I cannot explain the complexity of what you are seeing, but I find unusual that your SD card has the name ‘android’. Was this always the case or did the name android appear as if out of your control ?

Are you able to unmount the SD card ? Does the phone then work satisfactorily ?

If you felt there was a possibility that the SD (or its relationship to the phone) had become corrupted in some way, you might consider extracting the SD Card and testing the phone without the card.

I don’t like the name of the SD card “android” any better, but such an awkward name was assigned, when I formatted the card in e/OS/. I don’t know how to change it (I mean other than removing the card, connecting it to a card reader in pc and use fatlabel or e2label, depending what filesystem e uses).

When I cannot access internal memory, SD card works fine though. I cannot take the SD card away to test if the problem happens also without the card, because S5 has only 16GB of memory, it is my daily driver and I need the SD for photos and maps.

This might be a clue and sparked a memory of an issue I once saw a long time ago.

Background. There are two ways an SD card can be installed and formatted described in detail here

While you screenshots seem to show that your SD card is installed as External storage (the way recommended by /e/OS), the phone is demonstrating odd behaviour. (Here was my clue, maybe an SD card once formatted as :warning: Internal storage would be given the name android – just a possibility for your troubleshooting.)

This is why I asked

Are you able to unmount the SD card ? Does the phone then work satisfactorily ?

In the case of a phone with SD card installed as External, both answers are Yes.

In the case the phone resists unmounting the SD card, this would point to a problem.

(Just for clarity, my troubleshooting question about removal of the SD card was only after the troubleshooting I have just repeated and in the specific event:

If you felt there was a possibility that the SD (or its relationship to the phone) had become corrupted.

Yours is not a clear cut case, “I cannot explain the complexity of what you are seeing”, this is just a clue for your troubleshooting.

Good luck.

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Hi, thank you for tips and kind help. The card is really used and formatted as external stowage and it was never used as an internal storage, because I wanted to have a chance to take out the card and get my photos in case I accidentally destroy the phone.

I have bought another used s5, they are cheap and good phones, I will try to reproduce and troubleshoot on the non productive phone, but I have to buy a SD card yet.

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