thanks for your reply! That must be it then. After installing the e/os/ recovery in download mode, I reboot (there seem to be no solution for just switching off, only reboot by pressing for 7 seconds PWR+VOL Down or something like that), and as soon as it is off, I press PWR+VOL UP+BIXBY, and end up in “Android Recovery”. From here, I have the menu with the entry “Apply update from adb”, which I do, and then I got the error I mentionned.
Shal I understand that this “Android Recovery” is not the right place? I should have “e/os/ recovery”, where I will find this sideload/adb menu? I’ll give another try this evening.
Or could it be that the installation of the recovery image with heimdall has not worked properly? On my command prompt on the PC side, it looks fine, but on the telephone screen, I see nothing, except the progress bar that seemed to be at 100% after a few seconds, so I assumed it went fine.
Also, there are many posts that mention TWRP, but the installation guide does not. It does mention it in the troubleshooting section though. That is a bit confusing. Is TWRP obsolete for the installation on the Galaxy S10e?
Last point, my Galaxy S10e is runnung Android S (12), and I downloaded the e/os Android T(13) That should be fine, right?
You are correct, Android Recovery is not the /e/OS Recovery.
From what you say, you probably install correctly the /e/OS recovery but it is then erased by the automatic process and replaced by the Android recovery again. Try switching to up button before while keeping pressed all the other buttons.
Regarding the Android version, if I am correct, the latest version that Samsung has pushed on the phone is Android 12 and it will not be a problem for installing a newer Android version like /e/ 1.20 T / android 13
To get out of the Download mode you must Force Power Off your Samsung device,
unplug the device,
hold Volume Down + Power.
release when you see the screen turn off…
immediately Boot to Recovery before any other boot mode attempt,
hold Volume up + Home + Power.
release when you see the very little blue line in the top of the screen…
Thank you for all your advice. So indeed, I was on Android Recovery instead of /e/OS recovery. What I actually had to do was, at the first (green) screen in download mode, to make a long press on VOL UP, which means “Unlock device” or something like that, to allow the installation of unofficial ROM, instead of a short press, which weans “continue” (as the install guide tells us to do.). At this point, the telephone tried to reboot several times, hanged up on the SAMSUNG logo, then started with a welcome screen (the one when you start with a brand new Android to configuer), so from here I could switch it off properly, and reboot in download mode. Then, short press on VOL +, installation of the recovery image, then reboot as explained, and I finally ended up on the /e/OS recovery, etc… I just had to follow the install guide from here.
It’s all fine now, I am enjoying my brand new /e/OS on my Galaxy S10e ! Thanks again to all of you.
As I’m trying to follow the instructions to install e/OS on my device, I noticed that in the section Downloads for beyond0lte there are two seperate links. However, they lead to the same webpage ( Is that intentional? If yes, what’s the difference between “/e/OS Recovery for community build” and “/e/OS build: T community”?
I couldn’t find this information in the guide proposed underneath (see documentation).
I strongly believe that there is a mistake made in the links or something.
On my newly bought Galaxy S10e, I am busy installing e/os/.
No luck with Heimdall it got stuck at Initialising protocol…
I use the Heimdall 1.40 from Heimdal suite for windos, maybe that’s wrong version.
Could somebody give me a link to the right version (for windows) if it exists ?
Initialising connection…
Detecting device…
Claiming interface…
Setting up interface…
Initialising protocol…
I got SGHWC1 so Bit G, no way of downgrading anymore.
I managed with Odin and TWRP . and it seems to work but I have more trust in the e\os\ recovery for e\os\
Are there any other ways to flash e\os\ recovery.
Are there e\os\ recovery files with .img.tar extension so I could flash it with Odin.
I don’t have a linux machine so for me , on windows, that’s not possible.
I believe Heindall doesn’t work anymore on the latest Android A12, new security features.
Maybe need an update.
But I managed, first installed TWRP with Odin, and then via TWRP installed e\os\ recovery.