Samsung Galaxy S9 Dual Sim

I can’t desactivate/activate the SIM cards. Is it normal?

Regain your privacy! Adopt /e/ the unGoogled mobile OS and online servicesphone

I have the same phone, and the same problem. (Found the same Thread in German by the way)
Second SIM is recognized in the status bar and shows the correct network by name.
The provided app (Sim-Toolkit) shows a weird content menu from one of the 2 providers, which of the 2, you cannot tell- that’s all you see- it’s useless.
No other way to configure the 2 nets. No way to switch off a net. Even if you make a call, you cannot tell what net you are currently using.

In the OEM phones user manual you find a description of a menu:
Settings>Connections>SIM Administration: where you can make all the common settings for a dual SIM Phone. This Menu is not present or existing on the
For so many users have the same problem, I assume it is not a Provider/SIM Card issue, rather than a bug in the OS.
Hope one of the adimins reads this and forwards the problem to the developers. Any help appreciated!
Thanks, Tom

I’ m using “Q dev” on 2 Samsung Galaxy S9 Dual SIM (G960F) without any problems. Can manage 2nd SIM card and can select same for outbound calls.

Hi @12345 welcome to the /e/ forum and sorry for the slow response.

You may have been doing some searching in the meantime but this article should help.