Source on LineageOS 14 is fine
General LineageOS 14.1 builds should work for espresso3g (only no RIL) and espressowifi.
- Dependencies inside espresso3g and espressowifi branches are up to date
- Device trees are up to date
- Kernel is up to date on LineageOS for this setup (inside the dependencies defined,
- hardware/ti/omap4 needs one commit to get camera working
Extras needed is needed to get camera working.
hardware/ti/omap4 is defined in LineageOS default manifests for cm-14.1 branch.
Download the patch files inside the espresso3g repo and run:
git am *.patch
to apply them.
Needed vendor Blobs
- (cm-14.1 branch)
- (Master branch)
Wallpapersize is important, else boot fails if they are to large. Examples:
What you need
Not sure if needed to boot:
To think about
If the build does not work, there’s a chance that one of the security bulletin updates broke Tab2. That’s nothing I am going to look into.
Can be ignored
Only difference between my sources would be the older DDK, this would require some more patches in different repos.