Self-hosted updated to NextCloud 26.0.8!

About missing directories:

Something went wrong at Docker container initialization :confused:

Digging into code, I found that the directories should have been created by (to be run once at container first run, see

You can try the following:

  • cd /mnt/repo-base
  • docker-compose -f -s rm mailserver && docker-compose up -d && docker-compose logs --follow mailserver
  • exit with Ctrl+C when the log start to be very verbose (after “s6-supervise : spawning …” lines)

If you can see a line saying “[INFO] Finished container setup”, then your setup is probably OK.
You can check with docker-compose exec mailserver ls -alR /tmp.

You won’t lose any data, unless you made any other changes than creating /tmp directories, into your container (would be a very bad move, BTW).

About certificates:

The HTTP link between your domain certificate (no prefix) and Nginx is made in /mnt/repo-base/config/nginx/sites-enabled/nextcloud.conf.
You should see lines like this in the “4430 ssl server” section:

ssl_certificate /certs/live/domain.tld/fullchain.pem;
ssl_certificate_key /certs/live/domain.tld/privkey.pem;

The SMTP/IMAP link is done by mailserver Docker container, please check in your /mnt/repo-base/docker-compose.yml:

    image: mailserver2/mailserver:1.1.16
    container_name: mailserver
    domainname: ${DOMAIN} # Mail server A/MX/FQDN & reverse PTR = mail.${DOMAIN}.
    hostname: mail
      - /mnt/repo-base/config/letsencrypt/certstore:/etc/letsencrypt

Maybe container re-creation will put it back on the tracks…