[SOLVED] Goodbye community

Hope, you are not only back because of unanswered questions…
Trotzdem, willkommen zurück…

Danke … mal schauen. Hoffe, meine Post werden nicht wieder ‘reklamiert’.


Ja, das hoffe ich auch!

harvey186: Thanks for staying!


You are the one answered most of my questions on telegram , and today , I’m running e on my device thanks to your invaluable contributions, and those from others.


Oh, es la primera vez que leo en la comunidad que un admn duda de su efectividad y piensa en irse…
Amigo , yo soy una de esas personas que lee pero casi no escribe… y yo te necesito aqui igual que a todos los que decidis colaborar en esta comunidad.
Gracias por quedarte , gracias a los demas por estar…
: )

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muchas gracias por las amables palabras


< VOTE FOR harvey186 >

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Me alegro que sigas en esta estupenda comunidad, llevo casi 6 meses 100% e y es gracias a lo compartido en este foro. No paro de aprender.
Intento extenderlo ahora a mi entorno cercano, a pesar de la fuerte dependencia de los demás a lo que ya sabemos.

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I’ve been absent from the forum for a while so don’t know what caused your decision, @harvey186 to want to leave. But when I saw the news on the community summary I was disturbed at the thought of losing your know-how and willingness to answer so many e-users questions. I hope the “unanswered questions” will long remain a reason for you stay. I’m sure the community will only prosper and grow better with all the answers that you will provide. I, for one, have profited from your posts and suggestions and would not be able to take advantage of all the advances that @GaelDuval has allowed us to make since creating his /e/ initiative. We need you to stay!