Square button (open apps view) no longer working after update

Yesterday I updated several versions on my FP3 (was still on Android 12).

Now I’m running the latest june 3rd build, but the square button that brings up oben apps no longer works.

Is that a known issue?

I’m using lawnchair as my launcher (And I cant find bliss in the apps section anymore, is lawnchair now the default?

Also all icons seem to be smaller with android 13, is that intentional? druing the android 12-13 transition the updater had a hickup where it crashed when i wanted to check if it was done, but after i manually rebootet i had android 13 so i assumed it was done, but maybe something broke there (there was another update after that that worked just fine without a crash).

I’m in the same boat, except I’m on Samsung Galaxy S9 and updated from R to S (Android 11 to 12), with Lawnchair 2 as my launcher.

I removed Bliss long years ago, but now I see BlissWeather in my app drawer and it had the location permission enabled?

Anyway, it’s not only the square button not working but the whole app switcher (Recents) functionality. There are two older threads about similar issues:

I installed KISS to have something to fall back to in case I need to reset/reinstall Lawnchair but the functionality doesn’t work through KISS, either, which leads me to believe that Bliss (or lack thereof) is the culprit.

Best course of action NOT INVOLVING FACTORY RESET or having my data wiped, anyone?

I think I saw it reported that from v2.0 one should not uninstall Bliss for this reason.

It is sufficient to keep Bliss but just be sure to set your new launcher as Default Launcher / Home.

What method did you use, if you used a command similar to this you can reverse it Uninstall default apps - #29 by AnotherElk

No Bliss comes with /e/OS.


Fixed it by going into adb shell and running pm install /system/system_ext/priv-app/BlissLauncher3/BlissLauncher3.apk

Bliss was completly gone from my phone. My edjucated guess what happened: because i deactivated bliss via adb before the update, it never got installed during the update, and that’s why i never saw it in the app listing.

Now the bliss launcher is installed as a user app i guess and not anymore as a system app, but at least it works now.


Now the question remains, is the smaller font and icon size from android 12->13 intentional or caused by another update hickup? (maybe wrong dpi setting somewhere?)

This is correct and the charme of deactivating/“uninstalling” preinstalled Apps via ADB. They are still gone after updates.

Seems intentional, at least it seems this way judging by an internet search.

Thanks for the info.
BTW, I hate this approach: “keep our bloatware or stuff won’t work”. MAMAA much?

I can’t remember but I was rooted at the time so rooted it out (pun intended), either manually or through TitaniumBackup.

Confirmed, thanks for the tip!

Not all of them sim-toolkit for example ist still there in the deactivated state (or maybe that one was deactivateable via gui?)

… gets installed by Android depending on the provider of the SIM card as far as I know. I don’t know how much /e/OS would even want to interfere with this.

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