[UNOFFICIAL BUILD] Samsung Galaxy A7 (2018) (a7y18lte) for /e/OS-R

In deinem Thread steht, dass dieses Device offiziell Supported ist. Das ist falsch. Liebe Grüße

This device is officially supported by LineageOS

This device is officially supported by LineageOS

Yes, I know this is wrong but could not edit my post above anymore.

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Hi @ronnz98,

ich würde gerne das Samsung A7 (2018) meiner Tochter für die Weiterführende Schule geben, allerdings gibt es mit der Version 1.18-r-20231210-UNOFFICIAL-a7y18lte noch das erwähnte WLAN Problem.
Gibt es eventuell schon eine neue Version, die du anbieten könntest? Ich wäre dir super Dankbar!

LG Fabian

Hello @Faybl86

Sorry for interrupting but as I’m learning to build e/os/ ROMs, I decided to build upon @ronnz98 version and I’ve managed to fix WiFi issue on A7 (2018).

My model is A750FN/DS and wifi is working for days now without issue.

I will upload rom zip and post download link here.


Cool! Did you build a R 2.0 version?

Hi @sethdot ,

We organize a flash-party this weekend, and one person has this device.
If your ROM is working well for you, we would be very interested to install it on his device.

Do you think you could make it available before Sunday?
That would be very helpful :pray:

Unfortunately no, my laptop has only 8GB of RAM. I didn’t know building roms is that resource heavy :smile:

I will get stronger computer soon though.

I requested developer status on androidfilehost so that I can upload files but it hasn’t been reviewed yet.

I don’t know how long it takes but I will try something else if it isn’t granted today.

yes, you need at least 16 GB for building.
Androidfilehost and upload of data is a gamble…better use Sourceforge or other URLs

I can build a 2.0 R version and you can take this to apply your fixes?

Man, oh man, this is not straightforward at all.

On Sourceforge, I registered, created project with all the requiered details, linked phone number but upload through website is limited at 500MB. I tried through FileZilla and it did upload /somewhere/ on SF but I don’t see the file on my project.

So here is mega link, please try it out and provide feedback:

We can try it out if rom works for other people too. I just reinstalled it again to make sure (not to embaress myself) and wifi works but let’s wait for others to confirm. Btw I used PitchBlack as recovery to install it. Phone will reboot two times.

Many many thanks: I could download your ROM “e-1.18-r-a7y18lte-wififix.zip”

On how to install it, I suppose I should follow the directions from https://xdaforums.com/t/rom-unofficial-11-0-open-source-encryption-testing-sm-a750fn-g-f-ds-lineageos-18-1-for-galaxy-a7-2018-exynos.4634413/#post-89083719 ?
We have the habit of flashing Samsung devices with the mentioned tools (heimdall, adb). However, twrp is said to be not supported as a recovery. The XDA forum tells to use the lineageOS recovery (which I downloaded, too). @sethdot you mention PitchBlack recovery, but I don’t find the A7 model in https://pitchblackrecovery.com/devices/?vendor=samsung ? Where did you get it from?

I think that any recovery in which you can flash rom will work.

You can find PBR here:

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Update for /e/OS 2.0:


@sethdot: maybe you want to include your wifi fix into it


Hi @sethdot,

thank you very much! The version is perfect.

  • Stability → check! :white_check_mark:
  • Wifi → check! :white_check_mark:

Best regards to Croatia!

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Hi, @LePoissonLibre managed to install this version 2.0 at our flash-party last weekend, and it seemed to work well! The user was so happy.

Many thanks to all of you who helped

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I can confirm that e/os/ works with A750F model also.

I used @ronnz98 last ROM and wifi problems are indeed fixed. I recommend his 2.0 version as it’s the newest.

Update for final /e/OS-R 2.2:



Hi @ronnz98,

habe vorhin deine neue Version installiert. Leider ist das wifi Problem in dieser Version wieder drin.

@sethdot : Can you apply latest WIFI fix please

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Yes, I will try. Give me just a few hours.

All right, here it is:

It is tested on A750F and wifi works now for me. Please provide feedback when you try it out.