[UNOFFICIAL BUILD] Samsung Galaxy S6 (SM-G920F) and Galaxy S6 Edge (SM-G925F) for /e/OS T

Samsung Galaxy S6 (SM-G920F) and Galaxy S6 Edge (SM-G925F) for /e/OS T-1.19

Galaxy S6 (SM-G920F) (zerofltexx):

Galaxy S6 Edge (SM-G925F) (zeroltexx):

Please see sources and install instructions including recovery here:

Use it at your own risk!
Please support the developer(s)!

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Samsung Galaxy S6 (SM-G920F) (zerofltexx)
e-1.19.1-t-20240126-UNOFFICIAL-zerofltexx.zip by @ronnz98
My original home screen
TWRP 3.7.0-9.0

Update for /e/OS-T 1.21:

Galaxy S6 (SM-G920F) (zerofltexx):

Galaxy S6 Edge (SM-G925F) (zeroltexx):

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:heart: :heavy_heart_exclamation:

Galaxy S6 (SM-G920F) (zerofltexx)

e-2.0-t-20240513-UNOFFICIAL-zerofltexx.zip by @ronnz98

First, I simply installed the new ROM e-2.0-t-20240513-UNOFFICIAL-zerofltexx.zip by @ronnz98 from the internal storage without a PC using e-Rocovery V1.20 via Apply update > choose from internal storage

The system boots, but remains at the animated e-logo for a long time. Nothing continues, not even after a factory reset.

I then installed the new e-Recovery V2.0, which immediately displayed error messages (see Fig. 1). In addition, the touchscreen did not work, but the device hardware button did.

After a factory reset and reboot into the e-Recovery V2.0, additional error messages were displayed (see picture 2).

Failure messages

Now I installed the Recovery OranageFox OrangeFox-R11.1-Stable-zerofltexx-1080p without errors, then e-2.0-t-20240513-UNOFFICIAL-zerofltexx.zip by @ronnz98 also without error messages.

The V2.0 system boots, but stops at the animated e-logo as before. Nothing continues.

Finally, I reinstalled /e/ e-1.20-r-20240223-UNOFFICIAL by ronnz98.zip with the OF recovery without any errors - and everything is working fine again.

You can install the 2.0 R version, this version works. Seems there is an issue with the S and T recoveries for 2.0 …

Update…build V2.0 T version new. I think now it should work…please test:



Vendor Name: Samsung
Device name: S6 SM-G920F
Device CodeName: zerofltexx
Version of /e/OS which existed previously: e-2.0-r-20240508-UNOFFICIAL-zeroltexx by @ronnz98
Version of Recovery which existed previously: TWRP 3.7.0_9.0
The device is Not rooted

:x: recovery e-2.0-t-20240531-UNOFFICIAL-zerofltexx by @ronnz98
The installation of boot.img and recovery e-2.0-t-20240531-UNOFFICIAL-zerofltexx by @ronnz98 using the pre-installed TWRP TWRP 3.7.0_9.0 is possible, but is accompanied by error messages.

e-Recovery error messages

After a factory reset, e-recovery freezes; it is not possible to return to the initial menu. e-Recovery can no longer be operated. My previously functioning S6 is no longer usable. I completely reset it and install stock firmware Android 7.x

Vendor Name: Samsung
Device name: S6 SM-G920F
Device CodeName: zerofltexx
:ballot_box_with_check: 1.Version of Stock Firmware G920FXXU6ARC1 (Combination file, FactoryBinray-6 to check device)
:ballot_box_with_check: 2.Version of Stock Firmware which existed previously: G920FXXS6ETI6 (2020 Android 7.0 BIN-6)
:ballot_box_with_check: 3.Version of Recovery which existed previously: OrangeFox-R11.1-Stable-zerofltexx
:white_check_mark: 4. e-2.0-s-20240526-UNOFFICIAL-zerofltexxby by @roonz98

:white_check_mark: e-2.0-t-20240531-UNOFFICIAL-zerofltexx by @ronnz98 boots now :grey_exclamation::eight_spoked_asterisk:

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I can’t verify the successful installation of build V2.0 T mentioned above!

Despite several attempts (TWRP > INSTALL + TWRP > ADB Sideload) every new installation aborts with ERROR: 1.

On the other hand, the installation of e-2.0-s-20240526-UNOFFICIAL-zerofltexx by @ronnz98 is an uncomplicated child’s play and every flash attempt succeeds at the first attempt.

Note: The e-rocovery contained in the ROM.zip is definitely unusable. It aborts every installation attempt, whether e-2.0-s or e-2.0-t by @ronnz98

My recommendation is:

Version of ROM: e-2.0-r-20240508-UNOFFICIAL-zeroltexx by @ronnz98
Version of Recovery: TWRP 3.7.0_9.0 or OrangeFox-R11.1-Stable-zerofltexx

After reinstalling and further testing, I now prefer: e-2.0-s

Version of ROM: e-2.0-s-20240526-UNOFFICIAL-zerofltexx by @ronnz98
Version of Recovery: TWRP 3.7.0_9.0 or OrangeFox-R11.1-Stable-zerofltexx

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I use this Version too. Battery consumption is hower worser than R

T version is back :slight_smile: for the S6:
I could even made an dirty flash from S to T for my S6 devices.

Samsung Galaxy S6 (SM-G920F) (zerofltexx):

Galaxy S6 Edge (SM-G925F) (zeroltexx):

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Since my update from ‘S-v2.0’ to ‘S-v2.2’ was not successful and a factory reset with loss of all data was necessary’, I installed version e-2.2-t-20240724-UNOFFICIAL-zerofltexx via ’Clean Install’.

:white_check_mark: Clean install of /e/OS-T 2.2 was successful. The system boots correctly and can be set up.

:eight_spoked_asterisk: Available on /e/OS-T: Local Update
Local Update now makes manual /e/OS-T updating child’s play for everyone.

Local update screenshot image sequence

:eight_spoked_asterisk: Available on V2.2: Parental Control on /e/OS

Tip: Sign builds with personal key or release key. This script isn’t just for crDroid. You can adapt it for other ROMs as well

Updates for /e/OS-T 2.3:

Samsung Galaxy S6 (SM-G920F) (zerofltexx):

Galaxy S6 Edge (SM-G925F) (zeroltexx):

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