[UNOFFICIAL BUILD] Sony Xperia XZ1 Compact (lilac) e-1.3-q Post #212

Hi, @Xyguma, I do not know the device or why this happened to you, but I stay in the plugdev group without downsides. One place it is described (in a different context) is here : Run apps on a hardware device  |  Android Developers.

I know no downside to doing this temporarily (as long as you know how to undo it! – or follow better guidance !)

sudo usermod -aG plugdev $LOGNAME

Thanks a lot, but today the OTA appeared so I did it that way.
Everything seems to work. I’m happy to be on v1.0
Thanks again

Hey, thanks for doing this! I would like to test it but Android File Host always errors:

no mirrors found.

Thanks for letting me know.

Here’s the re-uploaded version

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Hi petefoth,
A new version /e/OS 1.1 (29 june) appeared on my phone this morning.
Did you make it ?
Do you know if it’s working ?

No. /e/ currently make Q builds for lilac, and make them available OTA via the Updater app. Howevere, because they don’t support the device officially, they don’t make the builds available for download at https://images.ecloud.global/dev/lilac/. So, when I get time, I download the latest build (by exporting it from the Updater app) and uploading to this folder at AndroidFileHost


I haven’t done that yet for this build (mostly because I’m no longer running /e/OS on any of my devices, I’m using my Custom builds of Lineage OS for microG instead), but I will get round to it sometime soon.

I don’t, but I suspect it will work better than v1.0, which - from what I’ve read in this forum and in Telegram - seemed to get released without very much testing at all :frowning:

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Ok thank you. I don’t really understand how this things work. If you don’t do it anymore, who does it ?
Anyway thanks for everything. I hope it will continue to be supported even if you’re not doing it. I’m sad to see you leaving /e/ as it is because of you that I could put /e/ on my Sony.

So again thank you very much for everything and for taking the time to do this for us !!!

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Here’s the v1.1-q release, built by /e/, also available via OTA

Release notes are here

I have clean flashed it, and it boots. Location and mobile internet seem to work, and Advanced Privacy is ‘off’ by default. That’s the extent of my testing. Good luck, and enjoy

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Hi, I’ve done the OTA a few days ago and everything seems to work. Actually Advanced Privacy works better than in v1.0 for me.


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Download from AndroidFileHost for this (and other files) is currently broken, showing the ‘OOPS no mirrors found’ error. I’m away fro home for a while so I won’t be able to re-upload the file until get home.

Is there anyone who has downloaded to ROM who could post it somewhere publicly available (ecloud, google drive, anywhere) as I know of at least one person who wants to download it? Thanks in advance.

I installed it OTA, too, and haven’t noticed any problems or performance issues. I’m not using Advanced Privacy, and my apps are mostly from F-Droid.

I’m sorry I did OTA and it doesn’t conserved the upload, I don’t know where to find it…

Thanks for looking,

By default, the Updater app deletes the update after installing it. You can change that from the Preferences menu. I always set it to not delete, and export the update after it’s downloaded, but before I install it.


Yes I changed it as soon as I saw your message.
So I could do it next time :wink:

I have re-uploaded the v1.1-q build: at the moment downloads seem to be working - the new link is

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I just noticed that I have a call audio problem, and I don’t know how long it has been going on.

I can’t hear call audio unless I activate the loudspeaker.

  • VoLTE is working.
  • Volume setting for calls is high.
  • Phone at other end can hear me.
  • Disabling tracker-blocker app has no effect on the issue.
  • Audio works normally when using SIM card in different phone (which is running LineageOS).

I’m currently on the 1.1 OTA, but as I don’t make or receive phone calls on this device very often, I’m not sure when it started to happen. Probably since at least the start of July, as I recall one unusual incident about 2 weeks ago.

@Manoj, are you aware of any similar reports?


  • Microphone works normally for other functions.
  • Audio through earpiecce works normally for music or recorded files.

@petefoth, do you think it might fix my audio issue if I re-installed, using your Android File Host package? I know it’s the same as the OTA that I used, but maybe it could correct the problem…?

You could try it.

Another thing to try would be TWRP backup data partition, format data, reinstall, reboot, first time setup (setting the same screen lock), TWRP restore data partition

Thanks, @petefoth. Unfortunately that didn’t correct it. This is really bizarre.

This phone recently developed another issue, too: a small black blurry spot in the center of photos and when previewing before snapping the image. No amount of lens wiping removes the flecks I see on the surface of the lens, or the spot in images, so either it’s something internal, or the coating of the exterior lens/glass is deteriorating.

Maybe I should consider getting a new phone at this point, but that would be a real shame. (I got this one brand new in late 2020.)

Anyway, thanks for the help!

The v1.2-q dev build from /e/ is now available at AndroidFIleHost (if you didn’t already get it OTA)


Release notes are here
