[UNOFFICIAL BUILD] Xiaomi Mi Pad 5 (nabu) for /e/OS-T

So first happy X-Mas for everyone! Possibly the first Christmas present you get this year… if the ROM is working :slight_smile:

Xiaomi Mi Pad 5 (nabu) for /e/OS-T 1.18


Please see sources and install instructions including recovery here:

Use it at your own risk!
Please support the developer(s)!

Merry Christmas to you Ronald and your loved ones.

Exciting project from you, building /e/OS based on crDroid code.

Xiaomi Mi 9 cepheus

Are you interested in building a /e/OS-T based on crdroid code. I could test it.

[ROM][13.0][OFFICIAL][CEPHEUS] crDroid v9.11 [16.11.2023][EOL]

The Mi 9 has also been running perfectly for years with iodéOS, made in Toulouse, France. iodé OS is also based on Lineage code. Member @petefoth has been building unofficial iodéOS ROMs for Sony devices for a long time.

[EDITABLE LIST] IodéOS official & unofficial devices

Did already a build some time ago

Builds are distributed on androidfilehost + sourceforge + jaguar-network. It’s not easy to keep track of everything quickly.

True. I would use Androidfilehost only when it would be reliable. But it isn’t

Complete developer platform GitHub Team for less than a cup of caffè latte/month at Starbucks.

Just to clarify, the sources where LineageOS based. No crDroid code used.
crDorid is also based on LineageOS, and for this device I could not find a LineageOS version.

Yes good point. I use SourceForge however as alternative since I can download with FTP software my ROMs pretty easily and it has nice statistics to view (nearly 500 downloads of my ROMs so far!).
I found Github project creation a bit cumbersom to be able to upload large files, but will keep it as a possible backup solution too.

Download speed on SourceForge is like today and now - often very slow and 30 and more minutes.

@ronnz98’s e-1.18-t-20231223-UNOFFICIAL-nabu.zip contains a file named payload.bin. These files are extracted:

boot (134 MB), dtbo (34 MB), odm (1.5 MB), product (497 MB), system (1.5 GB), system_ext (342 MB), vbmeta (8.2 kB), vbmeta_system (4.1 kB), vendor (970 MB), vendor_boot (101 MB)

For a first clean install you need - e-Recovery : Download secure from here:


Happy Flashing :crossed_fingers:

Hello. Is there any chance it will become official release? This tablet is greate.

Any feedback. Does it work?

Update for /e/OS-T 1.20:



e-2.1-t-20240609-UNOFFICIAL-nabu by @ronnz98

Well this is nice, thanks a plenty :smiley:

EDIT: Will try this after the exams

Update for /e/OS-T 2.2:


Update for /e/OS-T 2.3:
