Update from 1.19.1-s to 1.20-t on beyond2lte

Honestly I am not sure what is the point of TWRP today.
I have dirty flashed 1.20-T over 1.19.1-S
I have flashed Aurora Services on both 1.19.1-S and 1.20-T (I have 2 beyond2lte). I have done so with adb pull.
I have unbricked my secondary phone by removing Better Battery Stats from /system/priv-app/ using recovery

I am not against TWRP or usage of it. I just want to point out fact, that at least most advanced things can be done directly with adb and e/OS.

@MvdL first i’m sorry for your issue.
I’m not really skilled on such issues that you have meet, thus I can’t help you :worried:.
it seems to me that is a really serious one and need a lot’s of exchanges with people who have more experiences on it.
I would say that it would be more relevant to create an extra topic for asking for help and support for the resolution.
Make a link from here to it, I would be really curious on how it the process would go for the investigation, and how it will be solved.
How do you think about it, is that ok for you ? Is just a suggestion


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Merci pour les infos !

Did someone knows why this update is not on the OTA ?!

because it is not simply an update, but an upgrade.
Only devices Officialy solded by Murena get OTA upgrade

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@cemoi71 No problem. Thank you.
I will keep the idea of creating an extra topic.

Meanwhile I tried piero’s advice:
@piero Thanks for your advice. I used the latest TWRP (3.7.0_9-2). Not really the latest (3.7.1) but the latest for the S10+.
With TWRP I installed the recovery-e successfully.
Didn’t reboot but powered off.
Then booted in recovery.
Ended with error. Needed factory data reset.
Then reboot and finally the dancing e :partying_face:
Thank you piero. You are my hero

I forgot something above to add:
After booting in recovery-e I installed the e 1.20t.
Rebooted and then had the error and the need to factory reset.

Thanks @peteos
it also works with beyond1lte

Bonjour Denis2ni,

Et tout a fonctionnĂ© ? Pas besoin de repasser par le Sock ROM ? Je cherche une procĂ©dure comme celle-ci depuis que android 13 est sorti mais sans succĂšs. Je souhaites passer d’android 10 Ă  13 sur mon Samsung S9.

Bonjour Nicolas_Sas,
Je te confirme que la procĂ©dure (pour passer de S Ă  T sur mon S10e) que j’ai indiquĂ©e prĂ©cĂ©demment a parfaitement fonctionnĂ© pour moi (et semble-t-il pour cemoi71 et olivier001). Et maintenant je suis passĂ© de la version 1.20 Ă  la nouvelle 1.21 trĂšs simplement en OTA.
Par contre je ne sais pas pour ton S9, d’autant plus que tu souhaites passer d’android 10 Ă  13
 cela risque bien d’ĂȘtre plus difficile. Par exemple quand j’avais souhaitĂ© passer d’android 11 Ă  android 12 (de R Ă  S) sur mon S10e, j’avais dĂ» complĂ©ter la procĂ©dure indiquĂ©e dans mon “mode d’emploi” par le transfert d’une partie du firmware du bootloader (emplacement “BL”): le fichier “firmware-SM-G970F-G970FXXSGHWC1.tar”
 Mais ainsi je n’avais pas eu besoin de repasser par le Stock ROM et n’avais rien eu Ă  rĂ©installer.
Dans ton cas (pour passer de Q à T), il me paraßt plus sage de prendre le temps de tout réinstaller en repassant par le firmware Stock ROM. Bon courage

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