What could be the reason that an unused app is unstopable and not as unused deactivated

That was my intention: “[HOWTO] Create a log (a bug report) easily without computer” – I adjusted the format to title only, rather than the in line format I initially used. I guess you accidentally touched the “You will find some HOWTOs here” rather than open the intended article :smile:

You might send the report to the app developer, if you thought he would reply ! :slightly_smiling_face:

I gave some “getting started” clues in this post Boot loop on Galaxy S9 related to checking SD card - #8 by aibd

there i 'll get no answer. I don’t know if the app still make the os mad.
But the os by me has a behavior that’s weird. thus want more give a log to the eOS team
for having a look on it

thanks but I didn’t find anything that it would interest me.
A lot’s think and errors are cryptic. I would need more a parser and an interpreter for the things that i’ve no idea on what it’s talking about…

I don’t know where for eos team I could send it, if there is a issue ticket system, or they pick the stuff here by community system…

Issues against the /e/OS system itself are filed here https://gitlab.e.foundation/e/backlog/-/issues.

There is guidance on reporting an issue with the /e/OS system here https://doc.e.foundation/support-topics/report-an-issue.

Open the log in a text editor and just use Find ( ^F ) looking for Errors _E_ that is ‘space E space’.

As explained by the following order of severity, many lines do not concern you so check for Error.

V: Verbose (lowest priority)
D: Debug
I: Info
W: Warning
E: Error
F: Fatal
S: Silent (highest priority, where nothing is ever printed)

It’s not that easy to track, now the system tells me that the privacy app use the whole system ressource.
like the other app before, seems that the activity of the app not correspond with the system info…
really strange.
I try to to load the phone to 100% wait till 10% and make a report…

Hi also since last post I’ve de-installed some apps that I didn’t use, and update with the eOs v1.13.
Now the battery use is something better, acceptable.
Don’t know why, in v1.13 changelog nothing in mentioned around it…

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