1st page of App screens went blank except for Background Pic

I have a OnePlus 6 with eOS for about 1.5 - 2 years. This morning I was out and my battery was down to about 12% so I did not use it anymore. When I got home and plugged it in to charge I noticed my whole first screen of Apps is blank, gone, including my Systems Icon/App! My other screens of Apps have the apps moved around. I tried restarting and there was no change. I now turned it off and am waiting for it to charge. Anybody have any ideas of what is wrong and what can be done to fix this?

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You might first rule out whether this was some sort of crash of Bliss Launcher, where Bliss failed to recover. Please try this

Settings > Apps and notifications > See all … apps > Bliss Launcher > Storage & cache > Clear storage | Clear cache

This will have the effect of rearranging all your icons alphabetically.

That seems to have done it. Now I wish there was a way to move Apps from screen to screen to put in the order desired. Oh well, thanks for the help.

Bliss is not very suitable for users who like a specific order. You might consider a different launcher.

I thought we could nto move app icons from screen to screen? I just did it and it worked. If that is the case then Bliss should meet my simple needs.