A new brand name for /e/OS - Murena

Some of the users mentioned we had not made a formal announcement of the brand name …I have created one now which is not much different from what is already mentioned here.
We are slowly making the changes across website and channels. As the /e/ name has been with us for more than 2 years it will take some time to get the brand name in place. Murena as some of you correctly mentioned is nearer to the original eelo or take on eel . Also it is easy to remember and use in a conversation! The brand identity showing up in web searches will take some time as this news will take some to spread around the web.


I noticed the use of the Greek letters Xi and Lambda in the Twitter handle. Be careful that you don’t get accused of cultural appropriation. People can be sensitive of such things. One might pronounce it “Murchnl”, in a similar way as the Korean car “Kil”. The logo looks better though, because it has that kind of styling across all letters.

They rarely complain about using arabic numerals all the time, though.


Congratulations to @Manoj and all the Murena team for all their hard work on the new name. For me, “that which we call a rose, by any other name would smell as sweet.”


This seems to be the WORST possible outcome.

  1. A large number of people hated /e/, which is unpronounceable and unsearchable. They decide to keep it as the name of the OS, the foundation, and their store. Why not just rename /e/OS to something else? That would solve 99% of the problems.

  2. There are now two names: one name for the OS and a second for the names of the phones that are still sold by esolutions. In practice, very little appears to have changed.

  3. The E foundation and E solutions appear to have kept the “E” branding in their names. Will this be changed in the future?

  4. As for the name, are these just syllables, or does the name mean something?

So, Who came up with this idea, and why didn’t any of the other developers step up and challenge this ? If this was a top down directive without input from others, then, maybe the project is in trouble.


An unidentified number of lawyers looking for possible infringements on existing company and brand names liked this :wink: .


Yeah, I see that eOS is taken. However, that’s not the point. /e/OS, needs to go. Even slashy-slash is better than /e/.

I would liked weOS, it is strong …


…but not so good in English. ‘wee’ = “pipi” :slight_smile:


That’s what company Westermo thought for their network OS, too, apparently. https://www.westermo.de/solutions/weos

Any other ideas without simply searching the internet to find out in a second or two whether it could be in use already?


Murena = Devices
MurenaOS = OS

Quick and dirty…


My thoughts precisely! :grinning:

Interestingly, the title of this topic currently is “A new brand name for /e/ - Murena OS” … while the OS name will be /e/OS, and the brand doesn’t have “OS” in the name.
Consistency is overrated :slight_smile: .

Thanks for pointing that out. Corrected the title.


But /e/OS screwed themselves from the start. In French, the letter “i” is pronounced as “e”. Thus, iOS is pronounced e-O-S. Wifi is pronounced “wee-fee” (seriously). In french you should pronounce eOS as “uh-O-S”. I think that Gael is french, so he should know this. I have been patiently waiting for him to rectify this, and he just made it worse. :frowning:

Keep in mind that the /e/ logo is just a mirrored Google logo. If /e/ becomes really well known, Google will simply wipe away the e.foundation. Probably this has not happened yet, because the lawyers at Google are laughing all day long about the unsearchable name /e/.

Google Logo: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Google_"G"_Logo.svg

Edit: @AnotherElk pointed it out in A new brand name for /e/OS - Murena - #113 by AnotherElk


Do you have uncompresses logos etc. that I can play around with? I enjoy making my own wallpapers and would like to make some for Murena :slightly_smiling_face:

Will check on this and get back


so If I want to point potential users to /e/ OS to give it a try on their existing phone I still will have to tell them that it is difficult to find?

Phonetically and designwise /e/OS sounds and looks cool - no complain.

The point the most people are making…you simple cant find or google it properly which is a major adopter obstacle. People slightly interested to figure out what it is will have issues and will quickly loose their first interest. IMHO marketingwise this is not very clever.

Maybe this is true, it is often said, but I never tried.

Whenever I search for an /e/ subject on start page which is not entirely free of "things I don’t want, off-topic) I get very many answers.

If Google is suppressing /e/ or Murena, tell your friends that - could make a (fake) news story of that.

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