A Simple Feedback about the Upgrade

This topic is not meant to request any help for anything but simply feedback my experience and express my thanks.
I’ve just upgraded /e/OS from e-0.21-r-20220124158734 to e-0.22-r-20220225165877 over-the-air successfuly.
Last time version-21 didn’t appear in “system updates” so I had to upgrade manually over TWRP but all the data was gone (which was ok for me).
Yet this time new version was in there and everything went flawlessly.
Thank you all for your efforts and everything.

Regain your privacy! Adopt /e/ the unGoogled mobile OS and online servicesphone

“Congratulations” for the update

Thank you for reporting this.

What device do you have ?

Galaxy Tab s5e

OTA updates for the S5 Neo (with TWRP installed) have been broken since February. :face_with_diagonal_mouth: Previously it worked without issue.

Problem: after reboot TWRP does not start, screen stays black

Solution: re-flash TWRP with Odin & reboot; the recovery script autoruns after this

Posting here as this seems to be the most relevant thread.