Accidentally deleted Download file FP 3 really need it back


I need help if possible. I was downloading a super big Spotify playlist and then I got a notification from my Fairphone 3 (that I use de-googled) saying I need to make storage space and delete some things. It had already checked a lot of boxes. At first I closed it, but the notification kept showing so I started to scroll in it. At the very end I saw some things I thought would be no problem deleting, so I did. I didn’t get a 'do you want to delete this this and this" message. Right after it I deleted a few other things from the bottom but then I noticed that the rest of the files in the list were gone too. I checked my Downloads files and it is empty! So the things that were pre checked the first time were apparently also pre checked the second time, but then I had scrolled to the bottom immediately so I didn’t see. Very very stupid I know!!
I would really like to retrieve the files! There are a lot of emotional files that I had not gotten around to back up on my pc since my pc doesn’t recognise my fairphone. If anybody know what to do please let me know.
In panic mode I deleted the spotify playlist en then turned my phone on airplane mode on and off.

Regain your privacy! Adopt /e/ the unGoogled mobile OS and online servicesphone

Perhaps @Manoj can help you.

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You can write to the ID. We have infra team members there who can check if it is possible to retrieve these files from the cloud.

Thank you! I will do that now.

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