Add Japanese translations

To became popular in japan, I think that it is necessary to translate the / e / wiki and UI into Japanese.But I din’t know how to commit the translations wiki and UI now.In UI,translations can add easily(Add or Edit strings.xml to /res/values-ja).In lineage sources,it’s already translated into Japanese using crowdin.
Please discuss here if you’re Japanese developers or users in this community.


Konichiwa @kazunari03 !
Arigato gozaimas ka for your offer :slight_smile:
We are currently upgrading the website to be able to gather much more translations. It seems the project is more successful than expected :slight_smile: ahahah :slight_smile: the wiki at gitlab cannot be translated but I’m sure we will find a solution later on. We keep in mind your kind offer and one of us will contact you as soon as everything is ready! Ok?