Advanced privacy: enable disable it through a button as for mobile data and wifi

I’m sometimes refused to access some sites, say because it allows only national IPs or for security reasons.

Enabling/disabling AP requires too many steps

Regain your privacy! Adopt /e/ the unGoogled mobile OS and online servicesphone

You can add a widget to Bliss home :wink:

I know that. A large tab occupying a lot of space. By the by, impossible for those who do not use Bliss

As long as your launcher supports widgets, it should be available.
I use it with Shade Launcher.

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adding quick settings functions is not too hard (and tie them to an activity). If the activity already exists it’s just setting the “context”. I came across recently - A quick example demonstrating how to create a Quick Settings Tile using the new Quick Settings Tile API introduced in Android N. · GitHub … and sometimes edit the quick tiles myself (it’s really a bit hidden)

You can either create a backlog issue tied to AP, or if you can create a patch that has the tile xml for “one button en-/disable” or each sub-function of AP (tracker, location, tor) - look for main_activity.xml within the subfunctions at Files · main · e / os / Advanced Privacy · GitLab

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Thanks @tcecyk for the too complicate (for me) solution and @smu44 for suggesting the widget: i didn’t noticed it !
In lawnchair I can at list resize it to a minimum