Advanced privacy-I have no access to the internet on my phone

Since turning on the Advanced Privacy feature, I am not able to access the internet on my Teracube 2e and I can’t even turn the AP off as it turns itself back on. I didn’t use the app, but apparently it was done through settings. Can anyone help me with this, please? Thanks. I can’t get email, open the internet/other apps or the App Lounge.

Regain your privacy! Adopt /e/ the unGoogled mobile OS and online servicesphone

For me protonmail is working normal. Also download emails
Maybe reinstall it?

That is a thought. Thank you. I am not sure if it is the Advanced Privacy since I don’t remember when I turned it on, but it was in the last day or 2. Haven’t had any new emails since last night.

In the event that Advanced Privacy fails to turn off reliably, please try to turn off AP then restart the phone and check that AP stays off.

Having restarted the device AP is expected to stay reliably off.

You could try to get a “fresh start” with AP by

Settings > Apps and notifications > See all … apps > top right 3 dot menu > Show system > Advanced Privacy > Storage & cache > Clear storage.

Thank you. Last night, I restarted my phone and that took care of the problem, even with the AP on. I will keep your info for future reference.

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