After flashing "no modem config found"

I have some Xperia issues lately…
I flashed e2.5 T to a XZ3 (Akatsuki) and have the message “no modem config found” and SIM is not detected correctly. Where can I configue this?
@petefoth do you have an idea? Is the Xperia parts menu entry from the LOSfmicroG maybe available as an .apk somewhere? Could it fix this anyway?
Thanks for all suggestions!

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I don’t think that is configurable by the user. More likely to be caused by an error in the build.

Try installing the latest LineageOS for microG build from here and / or the latest IodéOS 5 build from here (though the Iodé build is pretty old: v5.1 from 26th May, no idea why there isn’t a later build. Other devices are uo to 5.6 or 5.7)

Thanks Pete!
I tried installing LOS already, but it didnt work.
I guess the rcovery has to be updated as well from Android 13 to 14 and I an confused which of the .img is the right one…

In the meantime the phone told me it has a SIMlock, which it shouldnt.
Lets see how that goes…

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