Age of data: the Card Game

Introducing Age of Data: the Card Game! a unique and fun card game about personal data collection.

Imagine your phone going ‘TADA!’ every time it sends out your !DATA without you knowing

We want people to be aware of personal data collection practices in commercial mobile operating systems and applications. So we have designed a unique card game to make the learning curve fun and easy.

Age of Data: the Card Game” will teach anyone, from 7 to 77 and even more, the basics of personal data challenges, and how anyone can reduce its exposure to microtargeting and personal data collection.

“Age of Data: the Card Game” is available now as a beta version, that anyone can download for free (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 licensed Deed - Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International - Creative Commons), print and cut, to start plays with friends and families.

In return, we expect your feedback in this thread.

We will use this feedback to improve the game in its final version, that will be available for free download and also “ready to use” at production and handling costs.

Download now!

(currenly broken link) - English language version

(other languages will be available with the final version)

Play and report your feedback here!

[Update 16 January 2025]

We’re looking for help to translate the game!

Here is the spreadsheet with the translations project. It includes several tabs with English, French and German. Please have a look and suggest better tranlations if you have!

Regain your privacy! Adopt /e/ the unGoogled mobile OS and online servicesphone


I will wait for the physical version. Great idea!


Very nice. We would like to try that. Also, we could make a Dutch version. Which is better when the Adobe Illustrator and other source files are also shared.

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fantastic! is there the source code? i would translate it in my language and spread it :slight_smile:

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Hello! That is a very good idea and I am very motivated to contribute to improve this game. I did not play it yet but I already have a suggestion: it would be nice for the players to be able to have good privacy habits such as using an open source browser, installing an adblocker, browsing in private mode…
Those card would reduce the privacy point lost, either by -1 or by dividing per 2.
I will think more about this and post again here when I have other suggestions.

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Nice one !
But data privacy is already a big challenge, if i need to read english there will be no fun :frowning:

Is that possible to put the text on a git and then i will translate it to french ?


reading Age of data: the Card Game I would like to share a few ideas and opinions about how to enhance the game.

First, I printed it and made the cutting, the recto verso is great, it allows to make the cutting even if the recto and verso are not precisely alined!

Second, the rules should be displayed with a white background, it will help us to avoid using a lot of ink, would be better for environment, and it will be easier to read especially for low light context.

Third, the rules would last longer if organized on a foldable format, it would avoid unreadable part because of folded corner.

At last, since the work is in CC, could you give us the link where we could get the source, to help enhance or translate the game?

Good work, thank you for sharing it!


Here are some other remarks on the cards content.

Special cards:

  • App global news: the text seems unfinished
  • table pong: “played this game” instead of “payed this game”
  • mail nail: backdoor instead of “back door”
  • honey mail: emails contents => isn’t it an unnecessary s?

Usage cards:

  • looking for curstomer support: “they making” => do you want to write “they are making”?


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I forgot to share that the illustrations are really beautiful, and it’s something rare in a CC game, so let’s say it !

A few thoughts more based on the gameplay itself this time:

  • the difficulty seems ok for me: on 3 first games, 1 win 2 defeats, it seems it’s not to easy, and it is important
  • the game seems pretty and relatively simple. It is probably made for evangelism. However, I think it would be pretty fun if optionnal rules allow to stabilize or increase the interest. It could be by introduce details about the hardware issues (boot, modem isolation, etc.).

Thank again for giving us the chance to share about this!


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Would be interesting to see how players modify the cards if they have access to editable files (Adobe Illustrator can export svg).

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Also, it’s sad that the CC license is not free (CC-NC), it could limit the contribution. Is it some strong choice or something which could be changed?

I also saw a “steel” instead of “steal” in the special card “YOUDATE”.

PS: thank you @Manoj for merging my messages in this thread and reopening it. :slight_smile:

looks and sounds really interesting!
I’ll stop by a copy shop in the next couple of days and see if they can print it on some high(er) quality paper that I can then have cut.
This is a topic that I do spend a non-insignificant amount of time telling and explaining to friends and colleagues, so I’m anxious to find out how this can help deliver the message and what more - exemplify why it all really matters.

Good for you for making the effort & I will get back once I’ve gathered some feedback.

Cheers from Hamburg, Germany

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Perhaps an idea would be to propose to build some phone more privacy-friendly with better components, allowing to make understand that the choice is ours.

It would help gamers to understand the level components, like System on a chip which could help decrease energy but which could be bad for privacy if the modem is not well isolated from CPU for example. is a free Creative Common license, it just forbids commercial redistribution.

Thanks for pointing this out. Has been passed on to the design team. is a free Creative Common license, it just forbids commercial redistribution.

I wanted to suggest the game to talk about it in a media which talk about free libre creations. I have been reminded that since NC is not a free license, the game is not a good candidate for the media.

Moreover, since this is a a CC-BY-SA, I doubt someone will use it to make money, but the NC will also forbid someone to use it to make sensibilization about privacy for example.

Thanks for pointing this out. Has been passed on to the design team.

You’re welcome, you can forward my greetings to the team. :slight_smile:

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We took user comments and suggestion and have updated the Age of Data card game. Check out the latest card game pdf here


I’m still wondering how we could contribute to the card game, at least translations. There’s a tooling disconnect between illustrators and coders to some degree.

There’s already a Weblate instance. I see Adobe can use .jsxbin scripts (a bit unwieldy) to get at the xml. Does your Illustrator have experience in text automation and can get excited about this?

We would love to get some feedback about the updates to the game. The feedback will help us come out with a final version and also start the translations into other languages.

could you give a quick summary of what changed in the latest update?