Agenda (Etar): showing other agendas (Google, etc...)

Hi all,
I’m a rookie on /e/ but very happy to start :slight_smile:
I need help on the agenda: I would need to synchronize all my agendas from other accounts (Google, microsoft accounts). How can I do that? What do I need to do to make them available on Etar=

Many thanks, have a nice day.

Hi @SylvainM were you able to add another account under Settings >>Users & accounts >> + Add account …here add your google account and check if the sync happens.

Thanks for your answer @Manoj.

Yes, my Google account is already installed. However, the sync is deactivated (and I did not find anyway to activate it).
My other account (Microsoft based) is also installed, and I can read my mails. But nothing about the agenda.

Are you not able to see these screens by clicking on the google account…

No I’m not.
I only have the microG service Core information, with the message “Google account settins not yet implemented”

Just checking if you MicroG is working …In Settings MicroG do you see your settings like this… and if you click under Self-Check are all the check boxes checked.

All checked except the last one (position) since I deactivate position when not needed…