Alternative Apps

I’m slowly turning my back to google and therefor I’m looking for alternativ apps.
Can you point me an alternativ to Google Authenticator?

Regain your privacy! Adopt /e/ the unGoogled mobile OS and online servicesphone

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I use Aegis, available in the /e/ Apps Installer and F-Droid.

I use andOTP, available in the F-Droid.
Best regards


oh cool, thanks for the answer!

Hi, does Aegis work well with NFC? What about Nitrokey / Yubikey?

I don’t know if Aegis has those features… (I don’t think so)

Aegis has scan QR code scan image and import file from Authy, freeOTP, Google authenticator, stream, winAuth., I’ve switched to Aegis from freeOTO as Aegis has app password and an encrypted vault.

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Can you easily work with Aegis and Nitrokey? Do you know?

I’ve no experience of Nitrokey.

I just realised that the ap that I was using for year is fully packed with tracker and permission. Because I’m new here I freak out, when I see this lack of privacy. But I don’t understand what all those tracker do. Are they all bay spying and stealing little codes?

Anyway does someone know a good alternative to this app?

Buy me a pie is actually a fantastic app. Are there any similar app that works as good as buy me a pie?

Thanks for the help

Awesome! Thanks a lot!!!