Android System WebView needed? Possibility to switch back unclear

Hi erverybody!

I am currently setting up my new FP5 (2.6.3-t-official) and have encountered a problem. The login of a public transport app forwarded to the browser does not work, the problem seems to be known and is said to be related to the lack of Android WebView. I’ve tried three different browsers (/e/OS/ browser, Brave and, omg, Google Chrome :face_vomiting:). Now I’ve installed Android System WebView, but am reluctant to set it up because that would mean changing the system’s WebView provider.

Oddly enough, as far as shown in the list of system apps, Android WebView is already installed and seems to be the /e/ standard. It strangely is only 196 KB big, compared to the 79,01 MB of the Android WebView I downloaded, while having the same version number 130.0.6723.67. :thinking:

Anyway, here finally comes my question:
If I set up the downloaded WebView version as standard, will the system automatically switch back to /e/'s default after uninstalling the downloaded version or do i have to expect problems? Is there a setting option that enables a manual change? I didn’t found one.

Thanks in advance,

Regain your privacy! Adopt /e/OS the deGoogled mobile OS and online servicesphone

Dont know if this helps… but I’ve encountered a similar problem, both on LineageOS and e/os.
Got a strange http error on a specific site with a security check at login.
Tried all available browsers, except chrome with no difference.
Caved in and installed chrome. Then it all works. Tried Firefox and it worked too. But not DuckduckGo browser and a few others.
Uninstalled chrome and firefox has continued working.
So apparently chrome alters some android stuff when installed and I guess some browsers have a preferred setting wich web rendering engine to use.

OMG, Firefox did the job! :partying_face: Many thanks for the hint! :pray:

The public transport app’s support recommended a Chrome-based browser and advised against Firefox, but here we are! :sweat_smile:

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Hey! I’m encountering the same with my new FP5 (different app), but I was wondering if there is a non google version of Android System WebView? It says in the app lounge that it is a component from Google. I’m not that knowledgable about what google exactly does and doesn’t, but I prefer to stay away from their services as much as possible. Does anyone know if there is an alternative to this or any tips? Thanks!

I don’t know if there is an easy applicable and compatible alternative to Googles’ WebView, that upholds the greatest possible funcionality, but in this respect I put my trust in /e/. According to Exodus, there are no trackers in WebView, and last but not least Android itself is software by Google, that in its /e/OS/ distribution has been made data protection friendly by Murenas’ great team.

There is a great series of articles about different custom-ROMs by german security and data protection expert Mike Kuketz, that offers in-deep analyses: Android: GrapheneOS, CalyxOS und Co. unter der Lupe - Custom-ROMs Teil1 • Kuketz IT-Security Blog. He finds kind words regarding data protection under /e/OS/, while shedding light on some problems. WebView is none of them. One point he sticks out is about microG, which, as an example, is essential for me and the things I want be able to do with my phone. After all, everybody has to decide on her/his own what to make of it, but for me personally, /e/ as it is, is the best mix of data protection and usability.

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While the webview is labelled Android, /e/OS does use a fork which one would hope has the best privacy compromise. However the added privacy could impact some apps. I guess the difficulty is seeing just what fix is required for any one case.

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