Another privacy driven Android OS: COSP Project

Doesn’t look very trustworthy.

It looks like a prank

why? please, could you explain?

They don’t provide any information on what they are doing or who they are.
When you click on the link under " Plans for the future?" you get rickrolled.
Any rom developer on xda provides more information.

This is just my personal opinion and the impression I get by visiting this site.

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The site is really basic, we see nothing, no specific information on the respect of privacy and personal data.

I find it unfortunate to see several projects being created or unfinished on a mobile bone that respects privacy while developers could work together on the same project as / e / which is significantly more advanced and with a growing reputation

The project / e / would see its development and the number of supported phones accelerate if the developers came to join the project instead of creating their own mobile bone that goes in the same direction.

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Thank you all for your explanations