Any news on STT?

Months ago, I’m not sure exactly when and can’t find the announcement now, there was a roadmap which mentioned inbuilt speech-to-text in /e/OS estimated for late 2024.

Is this available yet? I haven’t come across any further announcements on it. If it’s available, does it need a particular version of /e/OS/Android to run? If not, any updates on when it will be?

I’ve been thinking about buying an /e/OS Teracube (when back in stock) but I note it’s a few Android versions behind; I’m just concerned about buying it and then finding I can’t use STT on it even if it’s available for other /e/OS devices. I absolutely do not have the technical skills to manually install anything, which is why I want to get a phone with /e/OS preinstalled in the first place.

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Thought of a related question–not as essential to know before buying but may as well ask here. Would a STT built into /e/OS be able to integrate with apps which look for Google’s STT in order to function?

Only saw after I wrote that you don’t have /e/OS, sorry.

I do not quite know how far STT is truly integrated but you might check (only for a demonstration) Settings > Accessibility > TalkBack FOSS.