Anyone else having a problem with the latest update to Wire?

For several days now, attempts by App Lounge to install the latest update of Wire fail at the [Installing…] stage, which then turns into [ Retry ]. Each day there is a new prompt saying there are new apps to install. I turn off auto-install because I like to know what is going on and what is getting installed.

Since the version in App Lounge (3.81.35) comes from F-Droid not the Google Play Store, I can only assume that the usual procedure to remove the Countly tracker from the Google version 3.81.35 have interfered somehow with the codebase causing repeated failures to install. But if there is someone here who actually knows what they are talking about, it would be good to hear from you. :wink:

I confirm, same problem since a few days, unable to install Wire from App Lounge.
P.S. I don’t use automatic updates in background.

Thanks for your comments. I will wait for the next update, maybe it will fix this issue.