App crashes - any solutions?

Hi @Geron thanks for the update. There are still some issues with Apps Installer which need to be fixed. I can assure you that the team is working on making it and the OS better.

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The problem with MS Onedrive and MS Sharepoint crashing still exists in version e_FP3-userdebug 10.QQ3A.200805.001eng.root.20201207 dev-keys. What could I try to make them running?

The crashing apps Onedrive and Sharepoint lead me to post an issue on GitHub of microG. I got an answer from a developer. The solution looks promissing - but it’s necessary to upgrade mircoG services core. Is this possible for me as a user?

Microg updates come as a part of the OTA builds. System apps cannot be updated manually by the user.

Thank you for this information.
In the meantime marvin closed the issue on GitHub:

mar-v-in commented 7 hours ago

Updating to 0.2.15 should fix this.

I’m looking forward …