App Launcher Login

Fairphone 4, e/OS/ 1.17

App Launcher cannot log in with anonymous mode. Clearing cache did not solve the problem. Login with a google account returns an error message. I use my real IP adress… What can I do? I need to update some apps and cannot access them.

Thanks for help!

Hello @Sunelia, welcome to this forum.
there are currently issues with AppLouge.
also your system version could need an upgrade, as S is no more maintained for the FP4…
(dirty upgrade preserve data stored on the phone, unlike officially recommanded full reinstallation)


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You will have a very old version of App Lounge in that build.

We see the date of your last update “coded” into the build number in your image as


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You can try to manually update your version of app lounge. That’s what I do with my S5, which is no longer maintained.
Here is the link: Releases · e / os / App Lounge · GitLab

Great, it worked out! Thanks for the support, very appreciated!