App Lounge 429 error - anonymous login

Pixel4 /e/OS 1.7-20230110 stable
For months now app lounge anonymous login fails with network error 429 - unless Common Apps disabled from settings. So I cannot update Signal.

I’ve tried clearing cache and storage, restart phone. Disabled all Advanced Privacy, restart phone.

Is there anything I can try?

Regain your privacy! Adopt /e/OS the deGoogled mobile OS and online servicesphone

The actual error was-:
Error fetching anonymous credentials
Network code: 429

I solved my immediate problem by installing Aurora Store and then was able to update signal successfully.

Install the latest version of App Lounge :

…or via a system update to the latest /e/OS v.2.2

Thanks for the info.

I would like to update to v2.2 now I know about it. My phone is not able to detect that an update exists. Because of this I was ignorant of any updates to v1.7 stable. I may raise an issue about that.

I suppose you are still on Android R(11)?

Meanwhile, the Pixel 4 (flame) is already on Android T(13), so you will have to upgrade manually first. But then back up all your personal data first!

Yes, Android 11. Backups being planned now, thanks.

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