App Lounge fails signing in Google account: 404

Hi all,
I installed /e/ on a nice One Plus 5T. Works great except for App Lounge “Proceed to Google Login”:

" [Google logo]
404. That is an error. Requested URL isn’t found on this server. That is all we know.

(all in Dutch so english may vary)

Well, that is all I know too.

Couldn’t find any similar issue on internet. Anyone has the same experience or knows what is causing this?

/e/-version: e-1.21-t-20240324389105-dev-dumpling on One Plus 5T

Regain your privacy! Adopt /e/OS the deGoogled mobile OS and online servicesphone

It’s a general issue. Maybe Google did change their gateway link. I have the same issue.

A ticket is opened on Gitlab:

Ty for info, I don’t know for sure both issues are related to eachother though.

I can succesfully login in anonymous mode with a working store. Only trying to use my google account (for installing already paid apps) is failing like described. It is also failing in Aurora (same message).

Opened a separated bug report at #7961

I have the same issue with my FP5

I’m also experiencing the same issue with my FP5

Today e/OS 2.0 was offered as an update by/in my phone:

issue fixed in e/OS v2.0

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Since the last update it’s working.

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