App lounge issues, anyone?

Is anyone have issues with the App Lounge since last night? I can’t show any app in the store. I tried the suggested steps when having trouble including logout and back in as well as clearing cache. I even cleared storage and accepted term of store but no luck.

Google Pixel 4a5g eOSt 2.1. What is interesting is I was working on a Motorola phone last night and SIM was in that phone, when I moved SIM back into Pixel no app lounge.

Regain your privacy! Adopt /e/OS the deGoogled mobile OS and online servicesphone

Same here with herolte on 2.1
I’d expext some changes in how gogol handles their servers or alike… And why shouldn’t that be model-dependant…
Not sure about app lounge but I assume that in the background it works more or less similar to aurora store. Meaning unless set otherwise your phone is seen as some generic 4a5g (or herolte in my case) and maybe they restricted them because “too many” requests from that “same phone” whereas less requests from that moto-phone.

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No problem with AppLounge here on an FP4

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OK so I managed to fix this. Was actually doing it on both the Pixel and a Moto phone. So what I did was:

Setting>Apps>App Lounge>Clear cache and Clear Storage, then restart the phone.

I think restart the phone is what fixes it. Once it was rebooted open app store accept terms and used anonymous login. I then opened setting and unchecked metered connections and automatically update apps (my personal preferences) the hit home in the app store and all apps populated.

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All working again here too - but without doing anything about it … only giving it the time it may have needed

Got the same issue for about one month now or a little bit more. Tried the debugs steps in the doc, just tried the reboot as well after clearing data / storage, but nothing works.

What’s strange is that it shows me an icon that I never see otherwise and is only there when I open the App Lounge. It is the last one on the left here:

It seems to tell that I have no connection or something like that, but everything works fine apart in the Lounge.

Phone: Murena 2
Version: 2.1-t-20240603406607-stable-two

Any idea anyone? This is starting to be bothering and may become problematic…

Having the problems here, too.
Model: FP4 5G
/e/ OS Version: 2.1-t-20240603406607-stable-FP4
Apps are showing but can’t be installed or updated.

Emptying the cache as described by “Jets” and restarted Phone. Still not working.

Tried to log out and back in in anonymous mode. Now i get an error message that says “Account not Available”. Tells me to refresh to get a new anonymous account. Clicking on “Sitzung Erneuern” (german for refresh) doesn’t do anything.

Same with me!

Tried to install a new app 15min ago, but it stuck. Since then no updates are possible which is annoying especially with banking apps.

And it’s very very slow in responding! While gaving very good internet connection.

You need to clear storage for that one.

yes it’s the cache and the storage that needs clearing…