App Lounge vs Aurora Store

I have seen many who have said to ‘dump’ App Lounge and only use Aurora Store/Fdroid for usability, privacy, and security concerns. I would like to understand why I should or not switch to Aurora and if it is so much better why does e/OS stay with App Lounge?

Regain your privacy! Adopt /e/OS the unGoogled mobile OS and online servicesphone

The /e/OS team has created AppLounge which is a fusion of F-droid and AuroraStore

Any idea why some indicate it is less secure or increases tracking by using App Lounge vs Aurora? Is it due to connecting to GPS?

App Lounge has auto-update. Anyway I dropped Aurora because one day it stopped working, App Lounge had minor issues but always worked.
Last thing is to have 2 stores is annoying.

Thanks, I will go back to App Lounge. I trust /e/OS knows what the hell they are doing.

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Aurora has auto update too. I switched to back to Aurora because I was missing some features App Lounge has not. Was using F-Droid anyway cause Repositories couldn’t been added.

@ronbillock It really depends on yourself what you prefer I would say.


I switched to Aurora mainly because the indications from some was that App Lounge sucks and has more tracking and connections to Google. It seems these issues are either not valid or just a perception. Any difference in privacy/security between App Lounge and Aurora? From what I hear now it doesn’t seem so?

I wouldn’t say it ‘sucks’ but it lacks alot of features compared to Aurora. Security wise I don’t know. In the end it is the same backend.

I don’t customize my phone because basically I buy my Murena, open it then turn it on.

Now security wise, unless the FBI is likely to bruteforce the phone with Cellebrite one day I bet /e/ is fine.

Main advantage for me of Aurora Store is that it has been around much longer than App Lounge, and is therefore a more ‘mature’ app with less likelihood of serious bugs.

A secondary reason why I will not use App Lounge is that it still uses web APIs provided by There is zero information available about who - which individual or company - owns that domain name and controls the services it provides. I prefer not to use - even indirectly - sites that hide behind such anonymity

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cleanapk is only for F-Droid

Wow these are great perspectives but also obvious why there is such confusions regarding what is better or what a person should do. Other than the comment about not knowing who ‘controls’ cleanapk I still have not seen any indication where App Lounge is any better or worse for privacy or security to the general user?

cleanapk is used by App Lounge. I know it is only used for handling apps that are available from F-Droid - I can read source code - but I still have no idea

  • who owns / runs OR
  • how handles API requests from App Lounge (Is the source available anywhere? If not, why is /e/ OS using closed source APIs in its code?)
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I know where this is going… GrapheneOS has a new store so now as usual these theoretical engineering debates… Is security really security if the FBI can search my phone and privacy is not privacy without hardened security, let’s go to GrapheneOS. I start to think that some account lately @Manoj are just created for this purpose.
Can this forum be a safe zone for regular customers ?

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These debates of comparing OS, various apps always tend to get too aggressive. On a parallel thread, we have requested dev team to create a replacement for cleanapk to end the dependency. They need to prioritize it. It is only used for FDroid and PWA apps which is why the team tends to set its priority as low. Those who still feel uncomfortable using it can use other App stores like Aurora. Again, will ask the dev team to increase the priority on creating a replacement for cleanapk.


Aizu, I had and have no intention of leaving e/OS and was not interested at all in GrapheneOS. I think I understand your point though as some trash e/OS in favor of Graphene due to privacy/security (P/S). If it wasn’t for the added P/S that I believe e/OS provides i would probably stayed with my iphones. Overall there does not seem to be a definitive answer regarding App Lounge vs Aurora other than personal preference. It would be nice for some official word from e foundation on this topic as it seems to be a thorn at times especially in the Telegram chat.

I mentioned a name to be clear, but I’m talking about hardened security.

I am glad to read genuine intentions. It is true that the french Telegram is pro hardened security.

Thank you for pushing for progress on this @Manoj

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