App needs updating?

Greetings everybody!

Sorry if write this post in the wrong place but I’m still new with e/ and the community.

e/ + Fairphone is the kind of phone I’ve always wanted to have and now I do! I have but one complain (although more than a complain I believe is just a personal experience ). All the apps I use on a regular Android phone work perfectly, except one, which is very important to me. I practice language learning in a daily basis with an app called “fluent forever” ( which I pay for monthly ). This app is available as well, but very often stops working cuz it hasn’t been updated ( I guess e/ have to compile this update by themselves? )

I was wondering if there’s anyway that I can get this update faster. Having an app I can’t use for several days or weeks, when I pay for it, isn’t convenient. In addition, I had to take an older Android phone to keep using the app.

Thanks in advance and have a great day!

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