Appearance of 3 buttons is something buggy no contrast with background

Hello folk,
Info about an other small bug…
exist before the eos 1.12.3 S
I don’t know really when it comes, but it happens regularly.
The 3 control buttons of system have same colours than the background white over white.
Sometimes is little bit annoying to get…
I’ll give later some screenshot of it…

Enjoy the day all.


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So these buttons are part of the Navigation bar, Barre de navigation, maybe a setting changed, or you can find a different permutation of settings for better performance.

Hmm no not found. other possibilities not fit to me somehow.
I had this problem since I switch from EOS R to S

Since I have the S version, I have lot’s of problem…

Would like to come back to R version, but don’t know if it’s possible to do this for my s10+, if it’s available for this phone

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